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What would you tell the salesman?

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Roger H

01-25-2005 19:37:21

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I have been dealing on a sprayer for almost 2 weeks now, there is another guy that has first chance on it & he is taking his SWEET time trying to decide, I called last Friday & the salesman said that the guy now wants to trade in a tractor for the sprayer, the salesman told me the guy probably wouldn't like what he was going to hear, I called again yesterday (Monday), salesman said the guy was there then & he would call me when he found out something, he hasnt called yet. The salesman is sorry that it is taking so long & almost wishes he could tell the guy to forget it & sell it to me, I am getting aggravated myself & ready to tell the salesman to make the other guy make up his mind now or the deal is off. Thank god its an 800 phone number to call as much as I have. What would you do?

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01-26-2005 17:42:26

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:37:21  
If I was in such a situation I would get a wad of cash and wave it under the dealers nose. Just to see what happened. Nothing to lose. Sometimes money talkes. The other guy had a chance to do the same thing. Sometimes it is whoever showes up with the $$$

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01-26-2005 16:41:04

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:37:21  
I go buy from someone else if you need it right now. If not, give them a deadline from your end and stick to it.

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Roger H

01-26-2005 15:20:56

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  Thanks guys for all of the replies. I didnt get in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:37:21  
I finally called once more & the salesman said the other guy finally came in this morning & bought it, I almost asked if he was ever going to call me back or leave me hanging out in mid-air but I didn't.

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01-26-2005 14:19:09

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:37:21  
I am a bit cynical when it comes to salesmen - is it actually in complete working order or is there some part busted which they can"t fix? Or have they actually sold that one and are casting around the "trade" to find one to sell you?
Regards, RAB

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01-26-2005 13:59:23

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:37:21  
Id tell the salesman this is BS and walk out and never deal with the place again. this came in handy when i went to upgrade my mower for my mowing company last spring. the guy dicked around for about 3 weeks. i finally said, "either we finish this deal, or im out." what do you know, i had my mower the same eve, 500 bucks cheaper

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01-26-2005 10:51:29

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:37:21  
I'd walk in, give him my "now or never" offer, tell him it's time to close the deal or walk.... Your money is as good as anyones. Unless the other guy has a deposit on the sprayer, I see it as first come first served. I can't stand when dealers start jacking me around....It's either for sale, or it isn't. Which is it? Spring is right around the corner. I'd sure hate to wait around a couple more weeks, just to have them sell it out from under you anyway. JMHO.

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John (MO)

01-26-2005 10:00:46

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:37:21  
You need to make your offer, make it good for one day only, and walk away. Otherwise you may end up bidding against a ghost for the thing.

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01-26-2005 09:18:58

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:37:21  
Well, as they say up in St. Regis Falls, Money talks and B--S-- walks.

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01-26-2005 07:57:24

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:37:21  
Maybe it's different with sprayers, but when I was selling cars (brief 2 year career experiment) no one ever had "1st chance" on any car. Every car on the lot was for sale all the time until a non-refundable deposit was received from a customer. Tell the salesman you are ready to slap leather, is it for sale or not?

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01-26-2005 06:57:28

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:37:21  
"This year there is a lot of interest in sprayers and I believe I need to find one fairly early. I need to know if I can buy this one by Friday, or then I need to explore other options while time is on my side. I have other options waiting and I need to move forward as of Friday."

Don't make it about the other guy - the deal is between you & the salesman. It is up to him to deal with a deadline & who to sell with.

Need a drop dead day. An open ended deal as you have now is frustrating you, so pick a day and if you don't hear from them by the end of that day, deal is off & look for something else. But you have to be willing to stick solid to that too, or you will be a sucker forever after. If they call the next day, too bad, so sad, I've moved on, deal expired.....

Don't need to call any more, it is up to the dealership to take the bird in hand or the possible one out in the tree.....


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01-26-2005 06:41:08

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:37:21  
OK Here is my 2 cen't worth if it is 8000 bucks cheaper than anywhere else then either they made a mistake in the add and are trying pull a fast one. Let's say they made a mistake in the addvertisement they can either come out and tell you or try and get you to offer more for the sprayer or back out on the deal. The stall will do just that. After they have played you long enough then you may just say Ok If you will sell it to me today I will give you 2000 more than the other guy (your still saving 6000). Or the add was an intentional miss lead and the same thing applies. Tease, tease ,tease then if you will up your bid then you get it. The third is customer training, Which means you never had a chance to get the sprayer. But the sales person wants you to remember missing out on this sprayer. The next time you walk into his dealership looking for something he will tell you you better buy it now(Remember the sprayer HeHe). This keeps customers from doing 2 things taking the time to shop around and haggleing about the price. After all the price is xxx today but we have someone else comming to look at it this afternoon.

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01-26-2005 06:34:44

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:37:21  
Every deal I have tried to force I have been dissapointed in. He (salesman) may call, he may not. In the mean time you still have your money and the ability to keep shopping. It sounds as if the man you are dealing with is honest and keeping true to his promise to the other party. I feel he will do the same with you. The best bargains generally come to you. All this chatter is mute though as it is your wallet and livelyhood. You know what is best for you.

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01-26-2005 05:47:54

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:37:21  
I've only seen a few times when someone "begged" someone to sell them something,and were pleased with the deal. Also there is a chance he priced it to you too cheap the first time & is trying to stall you out. What I'd tell him shouldn't be printed here. MY 2 cents

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01-26-2005 05:47:09

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:37:21  
Roger H; What sprayer is it. I deal in new used equipment let me know may have same unit on the lot or know where one sitting. I give customer one day to decide. Otherwise some never will decide and thats wasting my time and your time in my opinion. Rick

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Roger H

01-26-2005 06:57:36

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to RickL, 01-26-2005 05:47:09  
Rick, I am looking at a JD 6500 with a narrow front & front fold boom

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01-26-2005 05:42:07

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:37:21  
I agree with Mike Burdick below. What makes this tire kicker's money greener then yours? Its sitting on a lot for sale - just not for sale to you. Time to talk to another salesman/owner.

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the tractor vet

01-26-2005 05:26:30

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:37:21  
Never get in a rush when buying something because there is a better deal out there . Like when we were looking for a newer car -suv what ever a vary good freind of mine is a general manager for a large Dodge dealer and i also am freinds with the owner well he kept screwen around and i found a better deal on a two year newer Durango with hardly any miles on it for 5 grand less. Oh well like i told my freind better luck next time.

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Mike M

01-26-2005 04:32:59

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:37:21  
I have run into this type of stuff before and all I can say is that I guess they don't really want to sell it. I can't figure it out I guess they have more business then they need ?

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Too Far Gone

01-25-2005 22:49:42

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:37:21  
I wouldnt worry about it much.I wanted to trade for a better baling tractor last spring.The salesman kept screwing me around,and meanwhile I stumbled on to a better deal,and when he finally did show up to look at my tractor a week later he found out real quick he screwed up.Usually if I dont get in a hurry,something better always comes along.Rob in Mo.

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01-25-2005 21:54:06

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:37:21  
Don't call him back, he already knows you want it. Start shopping for another one. If he calls you, ask for a 10 - 20% discount for your trouble.


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Mike Burdick

01-25-2005 20:27:02

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:37:21  
I"d just walk! If you have the money, someone will have the sprayer you want.

Remember, patience and money will get you a good deal every time.

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Davis In SC

01-25-2005 19:59:11

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:37:21  
My advice is to ignore him for a little while. He is probably using you as a back-up. Yes,you might lose out, but everything in life is a gamble anyhow. I just do not like doing business that way, whether I be the buyer or seller...

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Roger H

01-25-2005 20:07:24

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Davis In SC, 01-25-2005 19:59:11  
I thought about calling once more then backing off to see what happens.

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Davis In SC

01-25-2005 20:34:06

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 20:07:24  
If he calls you back, that means he needs to sell it to you, other deal fell through.... If that happens..... offer him less than you did before... Tell him you lost some of the money in a poker game while waiting for him... :^)

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01-25-2005 19:44:54

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:37:21  
I'd call him back and tell him today or never and go look for one some wheres else

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01-25-2005 19:44:00

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:37:21  
My first thought is you are dealing with a sales guy who will honor his word (by still trying to sell to first guy, rather than dumping him for a quick sale).

That being said, I too would be going nuts. I would give sales guy a deadline to sell it to you. Come that date, find one elsewhere.

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01-25-2005 19:43:31

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:37:21  
Flash him some money and tell him money talks bull#### walks!!!!

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01-25-2005 19:42:41

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:37:21  
I think i'd use the internet to find another dealer. Or, call the dealer you're working with and ask to talk to the sales manager or owner. Sounds to me like you're getting the runaround for some reason. If you can't get a reasonable answer, go somewhere else.


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Roger H

01-25-2005 19:45:57

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to OK-AL, 01-25-2005 19:42:41  
I started out talking to one of the co-owners, that's who it said to contact. The main reason of trying so hard for this one is the price, about 8000 cheaper than any around here & its set up just the way I want.

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01-26-2005 05:46:29

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:45:57  
You said it all "$8000" cheaper.Salesman is trying to make good on the other deal.The fact that you know it is cheaper and spoke with one of the owners leads me to believe the price they shot you was not a good deal for them, they priced it too cheap. There have been sellers like that on this site, tell you a price that is almost to good to be true, and then get several potential buyers; all of the sudden they do not return phone calls. I had a seller one time that would not answer my calls, he had caller ID. I then called him from another phone and he took the call, I acted like a new buyer and sure enough the tractor was still for sale $2500 higher on a $6000 tractor. If you offered him cash I would call him and tell your are coming with money to pick up sprayer.

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Mike Burdick

01-25-2005 23:26:43

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Roger H, 01-25-2005 19:45:57  

Let's see... The salesman represents another party (two co-owners) that have the sprayer for sale. He's now waiting for someone to "decide" if they want to buy while you have cash in hand.

Gee whiz, I'd avoid the salesman and go directly to the owners - bet they won't take their "jolly" time in deciding - especially if the first offer involves a trade-in!

This just doesn't make any sense to me, what am I missing?

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ford power

01-26-2005 05:22:37

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 Re: What would you tell the salesman? in reply to Mike Burdick, 01-25-2005 23:26:43  
roger, spring time is coming which means auction time some farmers sell or consign items for the auctions. my neighbour got into a problem like yours and saved money in the long run by being patient and shopping around. aution listings are on the internet too. goodluck

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