NC Wayne
01-27-2005 19:06:38
Re: O-Topic. Shelter in reply to Hound, 01-27-2005 17:25:12
Seems to me you'd be better off to find a fiberglass or plastic tank of some type. Basically just find something else substantial that isn't full of glass windows that you'll have to block off and that isn't gonna rust away withing just a few years. As far as the "utilities", it's depend on what your hiding from, how many people need to be taken care of, and how long you intend to hide at a time. If your only talking short time stays, like riding out a tornado, etc then you can basically make it into an underground RV with chemical toilets, bottled water, canned or MRE type foods. Then for lighting you'd need either candles or lanterns or if you anted more power, a protected generator and a fuel supply substantial enough to last. For ventlation all your gonna need is some type of fan to keep ther air circulated and fresh. How much is gonna depend on how many cubic feet the shelter contains. I'm no engineer but I'd figure you'd want at least twice to three times the total CU feet per minute of air flowing to insure at least two to three air changes every minute. If your wanting to protect from CBR attacks then you get into chemical and charcol scrubbers for the air supply, etc. I know it's alot more complicated than what I'm saying here, but you can sorta get the idea. I've read alot about shelters like this and had thought at one point about building something but in the end I kinda wised up an figured when my time comes and my number is up then no matter how far underground, etc I'm setting the Good Lord is gonna take me no matter why worry about it.....As far as is it legal to do, I don't know. Then again I'm the kind that if the government doesn't like it, screw them, it's my property and I'll do what I dang well please on it as long as I'm not hurting anybody else. What are they gonna do, take away my birthday, cause they dang sure can't get blood from this turnip....?????