I read with great interest the earlier post abut syn oil I have been a fan of mobil 1 since it first came out, and I use it in every 4 cycle engine I own- even lawnmowers....except my diesels. I have an Isuzu turbo diesel box truck, a Case 580 backhoe, and a newly acquired New Holland skid steer (kubota engine). I have never seen anything written that indicates that you should NOT use syn in a diesel- I just have never read anything that says it is OK. The owners manuals for all these 3 machines predate syn oil. It seems like a good idea to me, but I am new to diesels and don't want to make an expensive mistake. To play it safe, I have been using plain old Rotella oil, but in this cold weather I sure would rather have syn in there! It seems to me the very best protection for ANY engine woudl be full synthetic oil, AND a bypass filter to keep it clean down to 1 micron. Heck, my isuzu box truck already has two oil filters from the factory- a regular full flow AND a bypass. This is how all engines should be made, IMHO.