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OT-School Board-Political Help

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02-16-2005 18:02:52

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Another OT subject, need your professional advice. I am running for school board, (party affiliation is unimportant!) I live in a rural community facing the same budget crisis as any other school district and am sick of hearing about it. My plan is to get on the school baord and go to war with the politicians and hold them accountable for properly funding the district.

My question is in regards to running a successful campaign: What would you suggest? I have completed the questionairre for the local (weekly) newspaper, but feel this is not enough to get the vote out. Any advice on what works? Flyers? Yard signs? I am limited to $500.

I was the only candidate until the final day to file, then 5 others jumped on "the boat".

I don't want a debate on party affiliation or the tribulations of being on the board.



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02-21-2005 20:43:45

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Dug, 02-16-2005 18:02:52  
Good luck Doug. You're getting all kinds of good advice here. I can't offer anything in the way of winning the election but I can say one thing that this topic has made me think of. I think that members of a local school board should donate their time and effort for the school district and not be compensated for it.
Where I live the roofs leak in the schools, the English teacher needs an U.N. interpreter to be understood and some of the teachers are fighting a move to have them credentialed to be able to continue teaching. While all of this is going on eleven of the sixteen members of the local school board are going to a "convention" in Hawaii! I think that quite a few of the board members are in it only for the insurance, free meals at meetings and free junkets for conventions. If there were no financial benefits or perks, see how many would run for re-election.
If you really want to do something, promise the voters that you will not take any pay or compensation or perks. This'll show the public where your heart is!

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02-20-2005 00:22:27

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Dug, 02-16-2005 18:02:52  
Dug, Good luck on running for office. Based on past campaigns I have worked on, keep it simple and avoid negative comments or attacks on other candidates. Use what ever signs or posters that you are allowed & can afford. Try to go door to door and talk to the people in your district. Explain what you would like to try and do for the school district to the voters and check on the registered voters list to contact the voters. Good Luck and thanks for running. This country needs more people like you involved. Chuck

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02-18-2005 14:05:18

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Dug, 02-16-2005 18:02:52  
A big thank you for all the advice. Looks like I need to start shaking hands and kissing babies!

To those that made the negative comments, I truly pity your sorry life!

Dug, who is not a politician, but is tired of the political crap!

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02-19-2005 06:22:07

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Dug, 02-18-2005 14:05:18  
Jerks made negative comments? Thats just unbelievable.Who would do such a thing?

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02-18-2005 01:38:41

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 Plan B in reply to Dug, 02-16-2005 18:02:52  
If you don't get elected, you might be able to approach your agenda by volunteering to be a member of the District (School) Improvement Team. You will also get an inside look at the players and information that will help you the next time you run for the school board.

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02-17-2005 11:52:49

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Dug, 02-16-2005 18:02:52  
Its like jdman told the kid who was going to "deisel" school.If you cant even spell school board forget it.

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Farmall Don

02-17-2005 10:14:51

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Dug, 02-16-2005 18:02:52  
Dug, I can only tell you of experience from my area and hope it helps you. It seems signs are only to provide name regonition nothing much more (my opinion). The local newspaper here runs an add which lists each candidate with a picture and describes background information. After the background information it lists a statement on candidate issues. Also, you must get your message out to the people and many have made good suggestions, like civics groups, etc..... Getting on talk radio and getting support from talk radio helps a lot. A positive and energetic speach/answers help. I have learned, people dont like to be bother in their private personal time. Anyway, My suggestion would be to remain positive. Rather than describing "going to war" I would make a statement similar to, " I support responsible government that ensures allocated funds are delivered to the proper areas for their intended purposes". I know this is difficult to remain clean and positive with reporters wanting a fight (to get "the story") and loads of negative people enjoying a fight, but the majority of folks(my opinion again) are getting tired of mud slinging and want someone whom produces what they say. Remember, what you say gets you elected (like someone said below) and mean what you say and know you can do it. If you cant, your opponant will roast you later. They will try to roast you anyway, but deliver and then you can say, "see we can do it". Remember to try to stay positive with the negative subjects.

Good Luck.

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Paul in Mich

02-17-2005 09:27:57

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Dug, 02-16-2005 18:02:52  
Dug, I don"t know just how to run your campaign, since I"m not in your area and therefore, not in tune with your local issues. I would imagine that they are much the same as anywhere else, (never enough money, low test scores, and union demands). YOu mentioned holding the politicians accountable. This is true, but once you are elected to the schoolboard, you too are a politician, and you then become accountable. You can also demand accountability to the rest of the board including the superintendent. Maybe ESPECIALLY the superentendent. YOu must also demand accountability of the educators themselves, and not allow the union to bleed the cash register. Tax payers and parents deserve a quality product for the money they spend, and they do spend enough money. If students arent getting a quality education with the dollars presently spent, then they certainly cant expect to get more for their money if more money is spent. There is absolutely no relationship or correlation between the quality of education and the amount it cost to educate. Some of the best educated students attend schools with limited resources. It all hinges on committment and integrity. The core mission must always be, from politicians to unions, to educators,and parents: Children first. Not Administrators careers, not union wages and benefits, not school lunch and other social distractions, but Education. If you can campaign around those pricniples, I believe you can win and do your community a great service.

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02-17-2005 09:20:55

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Dug, 02-16-2005 18:02:52  
I truely belive your wasting your time and money ,bacause the way schools are funded your limited to what and how you can teach. And I have been around for 43 years and nothing has changed execpt that students today are armed(guns) a bit more heavier,but others are right parnets worry about how a great of a jock they can become to get the free ride thru collage, in my mind sports in schools is out of hand and parnets expect or demand them over classes and I think that kids should have to pay if they want to chase a ball on a court or field. bacause this group of kids today could not grab there a$$ with both hands just look at the youth today they can't make simple change today give one $2.00 and he can't figure out how much to give you back if your bill was 1.98.

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Paul in Mich

02-17-2005 09:33:04

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to leland, 02-17-2005 09:20:55  
Leland, Big, Deep, Dark, Dirty Little Secret .....It ain"t the kids.

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02-17-2005 09:47:51

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Paul in Mich, 02-17-2005 09:33:04  
Oh yes it is my wife is a teacher and unless it has a joy stick or is on video kids refuse to do it, they the kids could care less about learning . They would rather play computer games and jabber on cell phone after all mom and dad are loaded they don't need jobs.

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Paul in Mich

02-17-2005 10:09:17

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to leland, 02-17-2005 09:47:51  
Leland, I totally disagree with you, (once again). Kids are a product of their environment. If parents do not hold them accountable, than what chance does a teacher have? Kids learn that they can get away with playing video games rather than studying. Parents have the power to control the scenerio, they simply take the lazy way out and allow the kids to raise themselves. In some classrooms, the kids are even allowed to educate themselves. The courts (which is a whole different subject) enable bad, or non behavior by ursurping whatever control parents or teachers once had in diciplining the kids. Teachers Unions are no less guilty of unsatisfactory results in education. There is much fault to spread around, and I firmly believe that the fault of the kids themselves falls a few rungs down from the other problems I described. I do empathize with your wife as a teacher,(to a point).

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02-17-2005 11:14:42

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Paul in Mich, 02-17-2005 10:09:17  
Parnets are to busy making money to care about kids,execpt when it comes to the child having a ball in hand then you have proud parnets. There child can not read or spell or do math but by god they can dribble a basket ball.

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02-17-2005 16:31:06

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to leland, 02-17-2005 11:14:42  
Total over-generalization.

Painting everyone with the same brush.

There are lots of great kids out there. They deserve recognition and encouragement.

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02-17-2005 18:33:24

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to H.Otis, 02-17-2005 16:31:06  
not really otis the company I work for hires a lot of teenagers and 99% are as dumb as a post simple math is a struggle for most of them . Don't ask me what these kids are learning at school but it's not the basics, and my wife struggles 180 days a year to try and educate these kids and she has about given up and looking for a new job. No support from parnets children or school board.

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02-17-2005 09:10:31

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Dug, 02-16-2005 18:02:52  
Hey Dug. Good luck on your bid for election. Just wanted to share some of my thoughts. This past election, we were all inundated with the same old bullsh*** about how this guy is a nerd so vote for me, etc. The yard sigs were annoying, newspaper ads were offensive, and TV ads were reason to change the channel. I was most impressed with a no name who was running for our city council. While I had never heard of him, he sent me a two page letter detailing all of the problems he perceived with our city and what he felt would be a most effective approach to dealing with them. A lot of the problems that he had thought through I did not even know were problems until he brought them to light. I was most impressed with his approach and you can bet he got my vote. I even voted against a long time acquaintenance to vote for him. He educated me and gave me his position without insulting my intelligence, if you know what I mean. The letter was stuck in the door handle when I came home one evening. I suspect that his kids and friends hand-delivered them. He was never negative about other candidates or office holders, just that he thought he had a different way that might work. It was refreshing to see that somebody still thinks this corrupt old system of ours may still work. Good luck with your campaign.

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02-17-2005 07:28:56

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Dug, 02-16-2005 18:02:52  
I'd use a flier with your picture on it. Don't promise anything you can't deliver and keep in mind the educational level of the other people who will be on the board with you if elected.
Most people understand public education at the level and position it was when they graduated from high school. Most politicians are wanna bee educators and have very little grasp of the needs of children. There is a hugh difference between an educated child and one that can pass tests. I admire your desire to jump into the fray.
I'd not put a lot hope for changing things much, just yet. Compassion for others is one goal I'd suggest you try to get in the school curriculum.
Good Luck and God Bless,

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Brian in NY

02-17-2005 06:11:31

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Dug, 02-16-2005 18:02:52  
If you can afford it, signs strategically placed in the district will be helpful for name recognition. Then a door to door visit will help too. Make a plan, and try to hit the areas where population is highest in density to maximize your time. Remember that the closer a person lives to a polling place, the more likely (statistically) they are to vote. Not to say that there are not exceptions to the rule, but you know what I mean. Find out what parents in the district are most involved, and get them on your side....they can help spread the word that you are pure of intention. Good luck!

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Rod in Smiths Falls, ON,

02-17-2005 05:02:50

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Dug, 02-16-2005 18:02:52  
Politics and education mix like oil and water. With vigorous stirring they come together briefly once every four years and parents vote their wallets and their prejudices, yet after things settle down they expect unrelenting idealism from those charged with the task of raising their children.

Remember that a politician's only obligation is to get elected. The best way to do that is to march to the left while claiming to march to the right, and bend to meet every eventuality while proudly proclaiming that you will never change. It's what voters expect, and they are comfortable with it.

Good luck.

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Mike M

02-17-2005 04:42:40

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Dug, 02-16-2005 18:02:52  
You sound like a person of common sense and cares what's going on. Too bad this is not what people are looking for,It sounds like you are not part of the in crowd or click you may have a tough time of it. I hope you can get your foot in the door and then plant it up the rear of the rest of the board. GOOD LUCK !

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02-17-2005 03:55:13

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Dug, 02-16-2005 18:02:52  
Don't know what it will take to get elected. My brother was chairman of the local school board and received a letter from the state that they were not going to certify the high school (important if kids plan to go on to college) because the school did not have current encyclopedias in the library. He rushed in and confronted the superintendent, who said that he had spent the money for new mats for wrestling. My brother made him return the mats and buy encyclopedias. School got certified by state. The next year the parents voted him off the school board because they wanted sports instead of education. Dumb parents = dumb kids.

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Midwest redneck

02-17-2005 02:18:19

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Dug, 02-16-2005 18:02:52  
If it was me I would run on cutting the waste and money losses. My district has funded the most stupid *rap, like for instance...a pool (what the *ell do the kids need that for) I believe in limiting the school to the 3R's....no gym class, shop maybe if you pay extra and cut out the BS. I remember when I was in school (20 years ago) half the day was wasted in nonsense curriculums.

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John S-B

02-16-2005 20:27:21

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Dug, 02-16-2005 18:02:52  
Doug my 2 cents is get out and talk to the parents and have some options and solutions to bring to the table. Our schools don't have much money either but what I do like about them is there is a lot of participation and volunteering by parents, and bottom line to me is if you don't have parents that care and are willing to help out the schools you ain't got a school system. Good luck.

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02-16-2005 19:29:30

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Dug, 02-16-2005 18:02:52  

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David B

02-16-2005 19:26:28

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Dug, 02-16-2005 18:02:52  
Good luck to you, Dug.
It"d be nice if there were more like you around here. All we got is a bunch of idiots. I remember Dad using flyers when he got on about 10 years ago. I don"t ever see anything around here, no one wants on the school board.
Good luck!


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Mike Burdick

02-16-2005 19:26:20

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Dug, 02-16-2005 18:02:52  

Do fliers work? What did you do with them when you got them in the last election?

The best advice is to start talking with the people and above all LISTEN TO THEM! I read this about John Kennedy: People who met with him said that he made them feel as if they were the most important thing world. He gave them his undivided attention. Now this meant that he looked into their eyes when speaking, didn"t interrupt them when they spoke and didn"t glance down at his watch. Do this during the election and above all, do this when elected!

Now if you really care about the job you are seeking don"t worry about how people will react to you. They"ll know! Head to the mall, grocery store, post office, or wherever and start shaking hands!

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02-16-2005 18:44:57

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Dug, 02-16-2005 18:02:52  
I would have to agree with Steve... print up a flyer with a BRIEF list of your qualifications, and a long list of your philosophies and aspirations... then deliver each one in person!!! Spend a few minutes with each person you meet, express your concerns, and ask for their thoughts. A local rancher ran for our state senate a few years ago, used this approach and got elected ...still serving too! HTH
Regards, DL

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02-16-2005 18:33:51

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Dug, 02-16-2005 18:02:52  
In a small rural community almost everyone reads the weekly newspaper. I believe ads in the local paper will be money well spent. In these ads, don't talk about how well qualified you are. This turns people off. Tell them what you want to do. Tell them that you want every kid to have the best education possible. I know that's what you want or you would not be running. Keep your ads short and sweet. Knock on as many doors as you can. Leave a card where people are not at home. Knocking on the doors is the hardest work you will do, but it is a great learning experience. Let the people do most of the talking. Find out what they want. Don't talk about your opponents. Don't be in too big of a hurry if someone wants to talk. Show them that you are willing to listen.
Good luck. Being a school board member is often a thankless task. You will have to make some really tough decisions.

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Davis In SC

02-16-2005 18:27:29

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Dug, 02-16-2005 18:02:52  
There is never enough money to fund the schools here.. Our new high school had to settle for only a nine-hole golf course on the campus. Greedy taxpayers would not fund a full 18 holes. They did manage to get a few olympic-sized swimming pools, though. To see this school makes my blood boil..... A friend in the construction business tells me that school buildings cost 2 to 3 times what they really should.... My opinion is that school districts put way too much emphasis on facilities, & too little on teaching. They spend so much on extravagant buildings & grouds, then run out of money. One school makes the students bring cleaning supplies, etc that should be furnished by the district, but they claim money is too short to purchase such items.

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Paul in Mich

02-17-2005 10:12:23

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Davis In SC, 02-16-2005 18:27:29  
Davis, Another classic case where it isnt the amount of money spent, its HOW the money gets spent. Taxpayers need to display thier outrage and hold those responsible, accountable.

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Allan in NE

02-16-2005 18:15:33

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Dug, 02-16-2005 18:02:52  
Hi Dug,

Hmmmm, must be a bit diffferent where you live than here.

In this country, if they even get a hint that you're still above the sod, you're elected! They elected me to the darned board and I didn't even know I was running. :>(


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Jeff Oliver

02-16-2005 19:35:03

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Allan in NE, 02-16-2005 18:15:33  
Your a man of many talents I see. School board official, restorer of old iron,farmer, breeder of fine horses.... What do you do in your spare time?? LOL!!!!

The local high school here let 2 teachers go because there wasn't enough funding for them but hey only teach, we have football coaches.... priorities I gues.....

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Paul in Mich

02-17-2005 09:58:18

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Jeff Oliver, 02-16-2005 19:35:03  
Jeff, Football and sports is not everything, but the sad truth is that there are a lot of kids that learn more about how to deal with the world on the football field than they do the classroom. Few classrooms teach charachter, whereas in football, charachter is one of the primary virtues of a successful program, and it carries over into later life more than you"ll ever know, unless you were part of such a program. Probably one of the greatest lessons in life I ever got was from my football coach. He taught me toughness. I have since given speeches to different groups,(football and otherwise) on the subject of toughness. Believe it or not, that lesson also made me a much better student, and most of all a responsible, independent citizen.

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02-18-2005 06:23:43

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Paul in Mich, 02-17-2005 09:58:18  
Paul, it wasn't the football, it was the coach!
He cared....and that goes a long way with kids.

If we could only pay administrators, teachers, and staff based on how much they actually cared about the kids entrusted to them instead of by how many years they had endured the system!So many of them just plain don't give a poop any more and they are just waiting out the time till retirement.

And I swear, sometimes it would be better if we just let everyone drive and required the licences to have kids.

Off my soapbox.

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02-16-2005 18:14:50

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Dug, 02-16-2005 18:02:52  
signs are ok...but you'll need to talk to as many civic groups as you possibly can and keep repeating your name. Name recognition in the polling booth is real important. Fire house, senior center, Zonta, PTa...

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Mike (WA)

02-17-2005 08:20:17

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to bo, 02-16-2005 18:14:50  
I've helped with some campaigns, and "my" candidates all agreed that nothing works as well as doorbelling. If your wife is willing and personable, get her out too, with brochures with your picture and your platform. Leave brochures wherever you go. Trying to hold the politicians accountable should be a popular theme, even though you'll butt your head when you actually try to do it.

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Tom in TN

02-16-2005 20:32:01

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to bo, 02-16-2005 18:14:50  

I think Bo is right on. Name recognition is everything in local elections. It's my opinion that most people have very little idea what local politicians believe or plan to do. However, if they recognize the name, they'll vote for them. You must get your name before the people through any and every possible means. Flyers, yard signs, ads in papers, speaking appearances at every possible forum, telephone canvassing, etc. If you are the best-known candidate, you'll stand the best chance of being elected.

This valuable advice is coming from someone who has never sought a political office in his whole life, so maybe you might want to take it for what it's worth.

Tom in TN

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02-16-2005 18:28:32

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to bo, 02-16-2005 18:14:50  
Print some petition papers up on your computer and start knokin on doors. We have had the same good ole boy network round here for so long that if somebody new shows up I am more than happy to hear him out.

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02-16-2005 18:30:10

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Pitch, 02-16-2005 18:28:32  
sorry thats supposed to be position papers and knocking

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Bill in TN

02-17-2005 11:21:02

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 Re: OT-School Board-Political Help in reply to Pitch, 02-16-2005 18:30:10  
First thing, go down to voter registeration and find out who votes in your district. This should be a matter of public record, not how they vote but who voted. Don't waste time with the people that don't vote as this is non productive. My bet is there are not very many who vote consistantly. Call or visit the people who vote, state your position, and listen to them.

For those who don't vote....but want to complain, see why you should vote every time the doors open? Elected officals are really only responsible to the people who vote! Ya gotta dance with the ones what brought you!

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