I like when the tables get turned, and I rather enjoy seeing these people ridiculed, humiliated, insulted, abused as is the case with the below link to a website where someone has retalliated. Mind you, it's quite raw, the language and vocabulary used, may not be for everyone, so be warned, but all in all it's exactly what needs to be done to people who engage in this kind of crime from afar or cloaked by the internet. I can't stand a thief, no matter what the circumstances, certainly recall when times were tough and having a job that paid wages worth a little more than the lint that comes off the dryer screen, but, I still found a way to get by, without resorting to dishonesty. Most people who have assets, or financial security or material things that may be more of a luxury, had to put long hours in at some point and or still do, to earn what they have, by doing the hard work and long hours, also sacrificing things by having to do so. When someone attempts to defraud a person out of hard earned money, they in fact become the lowest form of life on this planet, in my humble opinion. I recall 10 years ago recieving a letter from Nigeria, with their postage stamp affixed, and had not a clue as to why someone in a foreign country would send correspondence, and how they even got the address. Well this was the one where they wanted to pay you a fee to hold their money for them in an account in the U.S., so you needed to give them your bank information to make the transaction, you were promised a substantial fee. What a joke, I recieved 1 or 2 more of these, but never saved them, now its done on the internet. I'll bet they sent thousands of these out to see if the odds would work in their favor, they hit once it might pay big. I wish all the evil in the world upon them, they deserve it !