Had a neighbor who used to farm West Texas around Abilene; had several sections. Said that at one time the local dealers were really pushing LP. So he bought all LP's. Then Diesel became popular and the LP's faded from sight. Didn't say why. Next thing he knew the local dealer was out pushing diesel. He said what's wrong with the LP's you sold me? Soon found out..... went to all diesel. I know Texas used to "mine" the Permean Basin (also in W. Tx.) which was a hugh, oil field. Gas and gas wells were part of that so there was an abundant supply of petroleum and N. Gas out there. For years Texas had no sales or income taxes as the state was essentially run on oil revenues. Don't remember which Propane comes from but anyway there was lots and it was cheap. Also had a lot of Butane then. Similar to Propane but I think it had problems in the winter time. I know homes were heated with it; not sure about tractors. Too young at the time and never followed up on it. Having recently had both personally, a JD 4020LP and currently a 4010D, The only thing I can say about the LP is what was said, and that is clean burning and engines, and oil, last a long time.
Otherwise (for me) fueling was a chore (at both temp extremes) and seemed wasteful venting gas to get liquid into the tank, getting fuel to the field was a chore (used a 300 gal, pull behind the p/u, nurse tank....no springs so about 20 mph was it), engines ran a lot hotter (ok in winter, but hot in the summer....for you and the radiator), got poor fuel/work ratio (both have 40 gallon tank; LP fueled 2x per day, diesel 2 days per fillup) using the same plow on the same farm doing the same job. On my place today: 6 D, 0 Gas, 0 LP. My 2c. Mark