03-03-2005 11:57:30
Re: OT... Replacing car strut in reply to kjm, 02-28-2005 20:02:08
When my son was 14 yrs. old, he had a Nash Rambler 2 door, in which he had installed a Ford engine! (Without my help!) So, the front coils weren't strong enough to hold the car level, so, He took the car down to the local gas station, where all of the locals hung out, and, with 4 big fools setting on the opposite rear 1/4 panel, they managed to get the spring out! After they had chased the spring down the road, they set about trying to get the new one in! Naturally, nothing worked--the 4 goofs on the opposite 1/4 panel did nothing! I tried to convince him to go see Uncle Joe, who had worked at a Nash dealer, and had a spring compressor, so after much trial and error, with a commercial compressor, the compressor parts slid together and resulted in a large u-shaped coil spring! After tossing the spring up in the air about 20 times, the spring straightened out, and the son went to see Uncle Joe! Next trick was to get the spring compressed enough to install the clamps, so, under the grease rack went the coil spring--and--out it came in a rush! After many tries, he finally got it to hold, got the spring back in place, did the other one, and said never again! (The Rambler didn't have shock absorber struts, but it did have a seat and strut assy that was the fore-runner of struts as we know them today!) by: Rustyj