Sorry I'm so late responding on this guys but it's takes alot more brain power to think about than I have right now. I don't think you can stack inputs and of generators or alternators. Output voltage is controlled by input votage to the fields. If you excite the fields with 12v then 12v will be your output. If you excite the fields with 24v then 24v will be the output voltage. The generator/alternator is rated for so many watts output regulardless of the voltage. As the voltage is increased the output wattage is decreased. The voltage regulator controls the wattage ouput. After the voltage is ouput, like on a terminal block, then you could series the voltage for a total voltage gain and a current gain if battery's were used. I series three 115vac- 12vdc transformer battery chargers for a 36vdc output for my golf cart battery charging. Here my amp charging rate is the lowest amperage charging rate of the smallest 12vdc charger or 6amps. I'm useing one 10amp, one 50amp and one 6amp battery charger and output is 40v@6amps at maximum charging. T_Bone