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O.T sea gulls...

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john Indiana

03-21-2005 08:02:32

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I would like to know if it O.K to shoot sea gulls.. there is a TON in my hay feild...
don't know if it against the law or not.
john P.S this is in IN!!!

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03-22-2005 12:45:43

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to john Indiana, 03-21-2005 08:02:32  
Sea Gulls started comming inland when big citys stopped burning their garbage. just about every city has gulls now. just drive by your local landfill.

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John K

03-22-2005 12:34:22

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to john Indiana, 03-21-2005 08:02:32  
I believe about 15 years ago, a pitcher for one of the maqor ball teams was upset at a game at the gulls making noise during the game, he wound up and trough it a a gull killing it. I believe he got a 150 dollar fine. I can't remember if it happened in Toronto. By the way the sea gull is protected hear in Canada as it has something to do with it being the queens bird or something like that.

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03-22-2005 04:16:20

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to john Indiana, 03-21-2005 08:02:32  
Here in southeastern Illinois, we have been seeing flocks of migrating seagulls for about 5 years or more. They are getting more numerous too! Used to be an oddity, just a flock of 20 to 50, just in one or two locations, in the springtime. Now, we are seeing flocks of thousands in many areas, spring and fall. The only large body of water nearby is the Wabash River, 5 miles away.

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03-21-2005 22:51:15

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to john Indiana, 03-21-2005 08:02:32  
Navy guys claim if you feed them alka selzer that they explode bacause birds can't fart

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03-21-2005 22:02:06

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to john Indiana, 03-21-2005 08:02:32  
John, What the game warden don't know won't hurt him. I don't think they'd miss any of them. TractorMike

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old blue

03-21-2005 19:26:59

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to john Indiana, 03-21-2005 08:02:32  
well since its illegal i guess you have to get someone else to do it for you. so heres whats you do get some compnay to put up a bunch of windmills and that maight take care of them if nto well you got some free power

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03-21-2005 16:40:41

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to john Indiana, 03-21-2005 08:02:32  
Here's a short review of the federal law providing protection for migratory birds. It ain't worth the hassle to try to do anything about them. Believe me...I found out the hard way by purchasing a mounted bird at an auction!

Specific provisions in the statute include:

"Establishment of a Federal prohibition, unless permitted by regulations, to "pursue, hunt, take, capture, kill, attempt to take, capture or kill, possess, offer for sale, sell, offer to purchase, purchase, deliver for shipment, ship, cause to be shipped, deliver for transportation, transport, cause to be transported, carry, or cause to be carried by any means whatever, receive for shipment, transportation or carriage, or export, at any time, or in any manner, any migratory bird, included in the terms of this Convention . . . for the protection of migratory birds . . . or any part, nest, or egg of any such bird." (16 U.S.C. 703) This prohibition applies to birds included in the respective international conventions between the U.S. and Great Britain, the U.S. and Mexico, the U.S. and Japan, and the U.S. and the Russia. P.L. 105-312 also amends the law to allow the fine for misdemeanor convictions under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act to be up to $15,000 rather than $5000."

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Nebraska Cowman

03-21-2005 16:21:49

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to john Indiana, 03-21-2005 08:02:32  
they migrate through here too. I've started disking a field and they start showing up. They catch a lot of mice in the cornstalks and know to follow flying low behind the tractor. When they spy a mouse you can hear them scream in the tractor cab.

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03-21-2005 18:49:51

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 03-21-2005 16:21:49  
You"d scream too if a giant bird was about to eat you.

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R. John Johnson

03-21-2005 12:56:56

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to john Indiana, 03-21-2005 08:02:32  
What I heard is that they a protected species. They are waterfowl and migrate which protects them under the same International treaty that covers hunting ducks and geese. I was also told blackbirds fall under the same category. Don't know if this is true or not.


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Paul in Mich

03-21-2005 13:40:44

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to R. John Johnson, 03-21-2005 12:56:56  
Seagulls are protected, not because they are an endangered species, but because they are scavengers, and scavengers, which include seagulls, buzzards, and vultures, are protected as equally as our beloved bald eagle.

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03-21-2005 15:24:55

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to Paul in Mich, 03-21-2005 13:40:44  
Correctamundo. Here in Maine we call 'em Dump Ducks.

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Paul in Mich

03-21-2005 15:57:04

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to Fawteen, 03-21-2005 15:24:55  
All you have to do is try to put a beach blanket down at Old Orchard Beach without placing it in a pile of seagull crap to have a comprehensive understanding of what you just said.

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03-21-2005 11:52:45

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to john Indiana, 03-21-2005 08:02:32  
Dang shame their not good to eat, sure seem to be an over abundent supply.

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Mark - IN.

03-21-2005 17:31:39

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to Redmud, 03-21-2005 11:52:45  
Not sposed to eat 'em? Any side effects I oughta be lookin' for? I thought somethin' was wrong with the wine. Oh oh.


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03-21-2005 11:09:02

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to john Indiana, 03-21-2005 08:02:32  
Sea Gulls, Comerats(spelling?) and Giant Canada Geese are a real problem here. Between the three, they have pushed out native species birds, decimated the fish population, caused numerous traffic accidents and transmitted e-coli, samimila & fecal chloroform into fresh water supplies and lawns. Should be open season on all three of those flying rats.

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Tommy D - Confused

03-21-2005 10:37:51

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to john Indiana, 03-21-2005 08:02:32  
Ok, are you SURE they are SEAGULLS in INDIANA?

I don't remember any coastline there, but I could be wrong.....


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03-22-2005 05:32:14

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to Tommy D - Confused, 03-21-2005 10:37:51  
I can vouch for too many seagulls and Indiana having a coastline. I live & farm about 1.5 miles from Lake Michigan.
THaden in IN

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03-21-2005 15:33:02

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to Tommy D - Confused, 03-21-2005 10:37:51  
i'm way out here in SD and there's seagulls everywhere! no water here either!!!


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John S-B

03-21-2005 12:13:10

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to Tommy D - Confused, 03-21-2005 10:37:51  
Yup! Indy, Ohio and Ill. have tons of them. I geuss they migrated inland through the great lakes, Mississippi and Ohio river valleys. They are big time scavengers so they are following easy meals

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03-23-2005 09:13:06

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to John S-B, 03-21-2005 12:13:10  
We have a large rail-road marshalling yard about 25 miles down the Ohio River from Pittsburgh, Pa. When the grain box-cars are com ing in, the sea gulls must follow them from wherever they were loaded! I went by there on one of those days, and i couldn't believe how many of those feathered bums were hanging around that train! they were picking up any kernels that fell out of the cracks, etc! Also, the large geese have taken up residence in several large lakes outside of town, and they eat and poop, until you can't walk where they have been. One farmer i know had a large pond, but he drained it to get rid of the geese! The people who go to the county parks feed the free-loaders, and more and more keep coming, with their kids, to "Feed the nice big ducks!" I can quite imagine what the inside of their cars look like after they have chased geese all afternoon! by: RJ

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03-21-2005 13:11:24

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to John S-B, 03-21-2005 12:13:10  
We"ve raised a whole new group of crittters the last few years. Many which used to do an honest living are now turned to scavenging. Here in central Michigan - far from the Great Lakes, even farther from the nearest ocean, seagulls and crows are known as "parking lot chickens." It"s a whole new class of animals - suprised the biologists haven"t recognized this. (Wonder how these critters thrive on pieces of Big Macks, and fries. Gotta have cast iron stomachs.) Have seen dozens to hundreds of gulls following farmers tilling the soil. Be careful "bout shooting in a parkinglot - most comminities have laws against discharging firearms in the city limits. On the farm you"re on yer own. S, S & S! Unfortunately the Govt. game wardens don"t have much sense of humor about protected species.

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Paul in Mich

03-21-2005 13:35:23

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to RayP(MI), 03-21-2005 13:11:24  
Ray, We, (farmer I work for) farm 1,600 acres farmland owned by MBS International Airport in Freeland, Mich. We are not allowed to till in any way any of the land inside the fence (700 acres) and some of the land near the approach, because tilling attracts the seagulls, and other birds which scavanger on fresh tilled ground, which is totally understandable. The Airport security has a truck which patrols the grounds and whenever they spot seagulls and other birds, will fire shotguns to scare them off, but they never aim directly at the birds for fear of hitting one. Surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly enough, the gulls protection status supercedes ultimately airline safety. scaring them to prevent being sucked up into the jet engines is OK, but killing them to prevent the same is not.

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03-21-2005 15:19:09

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to Paul in Mich, 03-21-2005 13:35:23  
Does a pilot get in trouble with the game warden if he gets one in his jet engine? ( sorry...couldn't resist) LOL

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03-22-2005 01:03:05

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to Uncle, 03-21-2005 15:19:09  
We just about took a Canada Goose through the windshield of the Beaver at 500ft as we were coming in to land. Close enough to see their eyes clearly. &^$^*&%* birds almost killed us.

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Paul in Mich

03-21-2005 15:53:53

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to Uncle, 03-21-2005 15:19:09  
Probably more trouble than you or I could ever imagine. How does "crash landing" grab ya?

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03-22-2005 03:16:22

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to Paul in Mich, 03-21-2005 15:53:53  
Did it go through the prop first? As I remember, One of the military air demonstration teams (Thunderbirds or Blue Angels) lost an aircraft at Cleveland's Burke Lakefront airport due to birds. But seriously I first saw gulls in Indiana about 15 years ago, while plowing, couldn't believe it, now much more often.

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03-22-2005 22:54:20

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to Uncle, 03-22-2005 03:16:22  
We dove the Beaver and turned right, the geese happend to veer to our left at the same time. I'm not to fussy for the dirty brutes either.

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03-23-2005 02:57:37

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to buickanddeere, 03-22-2005 22:54:20  
Glad you survived to tell about it...I'm guessing you were on a hunting trip up north? I've never seen a Beaver around here (Indiana) only in pictures. Don't they use floats on them alot?

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Bill Rolland

03-21-2005 09:58:37

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to john Indiana, 03-21-2005 08:02:32  
Seagulls do not explode if they eat Alka Seltzer. See>Link

Something's>Link attracting them - as with all pests, remove whatever they're coming for and your problem will usually disappear, too.

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03-21-2005 10:41:20

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to Bill Rolland, 03-21-2005 09:58:37  
Aha, somebody does read these things and checks for accuracy. Thanks Bill. Actually I saw this done with caustic soda instead of Alka Seltzer. Immediately put a stop to it- very cruel joke on these birds, even though they are a pain.

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03-21-2005 09:37:23

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to john Indiana, 03-21-2005 08:02:32  
They are a big problem on offshore oil platforms. fake owls and crows worked for a little while, but they soon wise up. How about pyrotechnic devices, such as flares, cherry bombs, etc. maybe that will work.

Now what I am about to say is something I witnessed, but I didn't do it, wink wink.

Seems birds can't pass gas or belch. Some rig hands with too much time on their hands would take vienna sausages, cut them in half, insert a half a tab of alka seltzer into said sausage, then throw them to the gulls. Said gulls would them swallow sausage whole. A few minutes later that bird would swell up like a balloon. 100% mortality rate.

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03-21-2005 15:33:39

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to tanklord, 03-21-2005 09:37:23  
Was eating lunch with several seagulls annoying me.After lunch I felt a Two pack of Alka _selzer in my pocket.Didnt do it though.I always said dont kill it If you aint gonna eat it.

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03-21-2005 09:13:20

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to john Indiana, 03-21-2005 08:02:32  
Your assumptions are correct. They are a protected bird. Last I heard the fine was at $300.00 per bird.

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Chuck MI

03-21-2005 09:09:49

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to john Indiana, 03-21-2005 08:02:32  
I believe they are federally protected. I don't know a single person that likes seagulls. I'm sure they would be extinct by now if they weren't protected.

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03-21-2005 09:02:03

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to john Indiana, 03-21-2005 08:02:32  
Call your state Game and Parks, they will know. I've nailed a few in Nebraska without trouble.

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03-21-2005 08:42:06

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to john Indiana, 03-21-2005 08:02:32  
I'm guessing that it's illeagal as I have neverheard of a seagull season!

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03-21-2005 10:32:31

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to Engineer20, 03-21-2005 08:42:06  
Hi John,

Although not a game bird, (I don't why as they taste like chicken BB-Q'd...lol) every living creature is now protected some way.

Here, even rattlesnakes, (some)spiders and bats are protected.

If there eating in your field there leaving behind fertilizer for the soil so is that really a bad thing?


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lp gas only

03-21-2005 10:45:10

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to T_Bone, 03-21-2005 10:32:31  
as the olds saying goes;
" there is room for all of God's creatures----
right next to the mashed potatos "

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Dean K.

03-21-2005 15:47:45

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 Re: O.T sea gulls... in reply to lp gas only, 03-21-2005 10:45:10  
I was out saturday running a 42ft rotary harrow for a buddy here in Mo. There must have been 300 seagulls picking up worms behind where I had worked.
I didn't know they were protected, never ran over any but a few had some very close calls. :-)
For a while I nearly got flashbacks of Hitchcock's movie "The Birds"

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