Hi FM, My son got nailed with the same fine, too many shells in the magazine, 7yrs ago and it cost him $150. He only had three in the shotgun, one chambered and two in the magazine but still got the ticket as he didn't have the plug in. The game warden watched him unload the three shells but said he "could" have had 5 in before he got there. He went trout fishing with his F-I-L. They shared a fish stringer as dad had forgot his and had 8 fish out of 10 total allowed. Game warden wrote both of them a $75 ticket each as they couldn't prove how many fish each had caught. A good friend, USA resident, back in the 70's went moose hunting in Canada with a buddy. They hired a guide service and was in camp with 8 guys, strangers. At campfire they all asked what kinda of license they had, cows or bulls, and 4 guys had cow tags. They then asked the guide if someone of the group shot a cow if he seen a problem with one of the cow tag guys using his tag on that cow. Guide said it was done all the time and he didn't have a problem with it. His buddy downed a cow and my friend helped him dress it and bring it back into camp where a cow tag was placed on it from another hunter. Two days latter a game warden showed up and wrote a ticket to my friend for helping and his buddy for shooting the cow. Both guys got a ticket for $800eh plus they lost the rifles on the spot, had to goto court where they lost there hunting privillages for 5yrs in Canada and lost the bull they had killed the day before. Yes, the guide had turned them in. I would change who I hunt with as $hit rolls down hill and your son is not learning a very good leason. I think the game warden will ask the same question, how many of the 50 birds did you shoot? Ya, well prove it! Your getting a ticket too! When your son is older, what if he stands there and does nothing as his friends rob a bank? Your son is going to jail just as if he was in the hold-up. T_Bone