03-22-2005 22:50:57
Re: OT-White deer in reply to Mark - IN., 03-22-2005 17:50:40
Nothing to do with a high does of radiation. They would loose the hair rather than get blond. It just a local clan of inbred deer where the blond gene became dominate. As for clicking a geiger counter about 60 to 80 counts per minute (cpm) is normal at sea level. Go anywhere near a coal pile, granite, asphalt, a Coleman Lantern mantle, glazed pottery, antique false teeth, glow in the dark watches made up until the 1960's. That geiger counter will click into the 2000-10,000 easy. Depending on the energy level 17,000 to 23,000 counts equals 1 mili rem or .001 rem. The yearly safe working limit is 5000 mili rem/5 Rem. It takes at least 200 rem to turn your skin red like a sunburn. Infact that’s what happens when everyone gets sunburned and they worry little to nothing about it??? If that radiation from the sun went all the way through your body , you would become ill similar to some types of chemo therapy at 200rem. Aircraft crews get dosed with a couple of rem a year just from having less atmosphere shielding them form the sun. Everything is radioactive to a degree naturally. Milk and bananas are two "hot" items fro instance. Tungsten grinding wheels are as hot as firecracker. We can bring them into the plant but they have to be disposed of as radioactive waste. How much grinding wheel dust has some of the people around this site breathed in? Or check the ground around Elliot Lake, parts of Brazil, Ethiopia etc. The uranium, thorium and radon doses the public up to 7000 mili rem a year. The strange thing is people living in these places. And in a couple of apartment buildings where they found years later the steel re-rod was contaminated with cobalt 60 from an old scrapped x-ray machine. The residents as getting this dose and have a lower cancer rate than the general public nearby that isn't getting dosed??? The most powerful thing I've ever seen radiation do is whip people into a fearful frenzy over something they know little about. TV and the movies are not learning documentaries. As for myself I'm worried about what is dangerous. The next flu virus exposed pto shafts, not wearing protective equipment, not wearing seat belts. Mercury, lead, cadnium, asbestos, organic chemicals and residue from herbicides and pesticides.