03-28-2005 13:32:37
Re: OT - How can thieves look in the mirror? in reply to farmerboybill, 03-28-2005 05:33:51
You will find that every area has a few thieves, some do it for a living. I guess it's the way they were raised, it doesn't bother them in the least, and they think it's there for the taking. I think maybe they think "Ha Ha I got it off that guy", not "I shamefully took it from him". I dunno, theres all types, and definatly some bad apples out there. I know some people steal just to steal, take stuff they don't even want just to throw it away. I've gotten PO'd about people swiping pipe plugs and such off our tractors at shows, a 5 cent part and they got to steal it, then theres those that sabotage, local field days has a tractor pull and show, I liked to show mine, but not anymore after I've had people monkey with stuff, particularly at night when the place is closed, I don't even competetivly pull my tractors and somebody has come and "fixed" the engines so they don't run right, monkey with the coil, turn screws on carbs, that sort of stuff. I don't understand how you could feel big winning a pull knowing you had sabotaged half the tractors in it for a small $5 plastic trophy and maybe $20 worth of prize money. Local consignment sale has had problems with people sabotaging there too, shutting the fuel off, leaving the ignition on to kill batteries, flatening tires, mixing up the plug wires, pulling the coil wire, etc... to get it cheaper.