(re:Page three, Case Forum)Mad Cow speak-off)interesting comments, thank you... now Easter Sunday, the day the Lord arose that we Christians honour ("Spring Break" to the sensitive, that are "in creation" of our better world) and I was honouring THE Lord's day and speaking of an expected assentions that is relavent to this Mad Cow thing... let's back up for a second... my first posting on this preamble I made mention of words spoken by old fella MM, well, he toll of more that I did not write... he asked me "what is the number one expence in all farming operation?" I just stared, I guess 'cause he answered the question quick saying "Fuel"... "Every thing that we do as farmers is directly related to the cost of fuel!... and it is the oil companies that have the whole thing in hand! Look at what we are paying for fuel, fuel needed to prep the land, seed the crop, water the crop, spray the crop (make sprays), fertilize the crop (make the fertilizer, haul the crop to market... every thing needs fuel to make it the big wheel to turn... big bucks, big oil companies, big government... and we just keep paying the fuel". Ok, that's what MM said... On Sunday, we were coming back from Central, Sask, from visiting our grandkids. On our way out, I took acception to Gas Bar, charging $0.992/liter (that is about the size of a quart of milk, to you USA-ers and enough to run a lawn mower 10 minutes), so I said to the attendent "gee, nice to see you jacked up for the Easter weekend", was $0.894/L, less day before... he smiles-blank look. Stop in Moose Jaw and top off for $0.879/L (by the way wife insists on buying premium...don't go there) replace my liver and kidneys back into Highway #1 pre-josstled out position for the balance of the trip, (we are darn proud of that highway),thinking this trip is fun... had fun with family, return trip, Qu'appell Valley $0.999/L... and pow! Swift Current a whopping record breaking once in a lifetime first $1.009/L. Well sirs, to the snowballed, suck it up... (I only put $28.60 worth in, enough to run a lawn mower for 3 minutes) to the real, that is $4.586914/gallon!!!! using the thinking man's math (1 gallon = 4.546L)... So when you come to buy an old iron from me and you have to truck it a mile...and you are running at 10/mpg... $0.4586914/mile is where you sit there and go ka-hink-ka-chink... The wholesome love my children vist trip cost a total of $216.63 or $0.35/mile for fuel alone. mmmhhh... Who's the mad cow????