This subject always amazes me, and I tend to avoid them at all costs, however this time I will pipe in just a bit. It never fails to amaze me to see the people that will spend extra on a specific kind of wax (because they can see the difference), but will try a save a few cents on lubricants. Your lube is cheap in comparisson to the investment in your equipment. A while back, on one of these forums, someone asked about paint. They didn't see the need to pay extra for paint when Tractor Supply's paint turned out the same color and was cheaper. It was a general concensus that TSCs paint was mediocre at best. You know why? Because after time, YOU CAN SEE THE DIFFERENCE. So why would a person think that TSC, Walmart, etc., is going to take on the extra expense of putting out a high quality oil when it's known they put out a lesser quality paint for reasons of the ulmighty dollar? Yes, their oil will work just as well at first, but after time, it will show up. Perhaps not while you own the equipment, but it will. Stick with a major. Their oils are higher priced for a reason. They have stuck the money into research and development. Their profits are tied to putting out a quality oil. Walmart doesn't care if they get a bad rap on their oil, they have 64,000 other products to make money at.