04-10-2005 10:11:58
Re: Synthetic oil. When for 1st time? in reply to Pajamafied John, 04-10-2005 09:16:40
I thought I heard somewhere on here that GM ships all their cars w/ mobile 1 from the factory? I might be wrong, or I might be right? I have always used natural in all our vehicles. If you think about it, which is going to go first in the piece of junk cars they SPIT off the assembly line today? The engine, or something even larger that will force you to sell the car long before the engine will ever go out? I never really saw much of an advantage to synthetic in my opinion except that you can go longer with out changing the oil and it stands to heat much better. But where in a Yukon is your oil getting "super heated" as the synthetic oil producers call it? We have used dino in all our tractors, even the turbo, which is where oil gets super heated, and it lasted for nearly 20 years w/out an overhaul, and this is a tractor that is used maybe every day but sunday, winter, spring, summer and fall. My point is, I am still sceptical of what is the hype over synthetic oil? You all can keep switching, keeps the dino oil prices down for me :). So I think I have to agree with you, you are over analyzing the thing. Your tranny or something electrical will go out long before the engine, and by then, I really doubt you will want that car any more. We have a 92 ford f 150 that has almost 125000 farm miles on the original engine and has had the tranny rebuilt once. This truck has been used to pull 20ft hay wagons ricked 6 high out of fields, and the engine is the least of concerns. It burns at the most a quart of oil between changes and smokes a little, but it is a farm truck that does a lot more engine work than a normal truck, and right now, we want to get the money to get rid of it because of the tranny again, not the engine, it still works great. I think what is more important is that you keep the vehicle serviced regularly. I know you can supposedly go longer with synthetic, but I couldn't stand to go more than 5k miles without changing the oil. By servicing it more often, I am able to check over everything more often, therefore, reducing my chance of a breakdown? Thats what I think, and I know there are going to be a lot who disagree, which is fine with me, life would be boring if we all disagreed, right? Good luck and enjoy the ride :) Hurst