Hi Considering what you are going to use it for whatever tractor you buy will have to have 1.)a 3pt hitch- this will lift implemets up and down-it"s a must for grading/snowplowing a driveway 2.) A pto- this will power the mower you will need to mow your lawn Other tips: If you are going to mow your lawn/do landscaping you will want a firly light/maueverable tractor. A large, clumsy , heavy tractor will be good in a field situation, but in your sitaution it will only squash the lawn down, be hard to manuever in the garden. You don"t really need powersteering, but it depends on your age :D :D I would try for a more compact/short tractor such as say, a Ford 8N style, rather than say a long heavy type like a Massey 44. If you can find one a MF 35 would be a real nice choice- if you like the price... :D they"re real popular around here. A JD 2 cylinder might not be the best choice- I had one and they"re not really a utility-type tractor. An IH utility would be nice, such as a IH 300 or similar- they"re a real nice tractor, though not a "refined" as a MF 35. I were you I"d talk to farmers in your area, go to some auctions to get a feel for machines and price, look at some private deals... Are you planning to put a loader on it? God bless you on your new venture!