Paul in Mich
04-23-2005 15:27:49
Re: Earth Day in reply to tlak, 04-23-2005 14:56:19
They may not have "taken over" the news or the ag channels, but I can assure you that they have infiltrated them, as has been their objective for over 60 years. And Yes, they have tazken over some news services. I also have a problem with govt owning property in the first place. And the problem gets larger as they assume more and more acerage. Timber is a renewable rescource, and the government has no business hoarding it. Worse yet, is the fact that government pays no taxes on the property they own, but we the people must pay for any upkeep or maintanence of such property. There is nothing wrong with companies harvesting timber. Even old growth redwoods will survive better if selective harvesting is performed. our forrests are now way too dense, and direly need thinned so that new trees can grow. Density has been more detrimental to hardwoods than any lumbering. Trees are great, but they are as I said a renewable rescource, not a static comodity. Lumbering companies and the timber industry do not sijmply cut and leave, they cut and plant. It is their life line. Do not be fooled by those who say our forests are being decimated, and you should be suspect of those who think that goverhnment ownership of land and forests are a good thing. They are one of the worst trends taking place as public ownership is replacing private ownership of land and property and that is bad for everyone. And drilling will NOT adversly affect the wildlife any more than the laying of the Alaska pipeline. I remember that the environmentalists were having a coniption fit when the Alaska pipeline was being built, saying that the caribu and moose would dwindle as their breeding and feeding grounds were being infringed upon, Well, how wrong they were as the caribu and moose are in far greater numbers now than before the pipeline. Anwar is no different, and drilling would take place on the northern portion which is not in the heart of the wildlife refuge. i"m sure you can find anything inon the net to substantiate your position, but that doesnt make it factual. Be ever suspicious of these activists who will say anything or print anything or do anythinig to further their cause. They are no more legitimate than PETA and other wacos. Conservation is legitimate, and worthwhile, and we can all practice it, but I stand by my statement that environmentalism is anything but a noble cause. It is aimed at the USA. If it were legitimate, the same people would put the same pressure on the rest of the world, but they dont. And while the USA is the biggest user of fossle fuel, we are also the largest producer of goods and services in the world. We provide the world with more labor saving and life enhancing means than anyone. Take note of how many other countries are comming under siege of the environmentalists, then ask what their motives are. Its all about rendering America impotent. Nothing more, nothing less. Be ye not decieved by these morons. Oh btw, I don"t need Bush or Rush to be able to figure it out for myself.