Howdy folks, Ya ever have one of those times where you know deep down inside what ya have to do but need a little reassurance from another source? Yeah, this was one of those times. I have to agree with most of you on this and will get hold of him and let him know that I've changed my mind and also clear up the whole issue of the time before. I really can't say if that instance was a misunderstanding or not. Since he contacted my neighbor and not me, I have no idea if the neighbor really did tell him or not. See, that neighbor farms a lot of other farms and stores round bales and such on those farms and since he can't be everywhere at once, he often just takes payment and leaves it to the buyer to go to that farm and get his product. I don't like that way of doing business but it's him and not me so I don't say anything. Of course, I really didn't appreciate it last winter when his buyer came with two gooseneck trailers and a little loader tractor to pickup the round bales he had baled on us. They came on a really muddy day and proceeded to tear apart one hay field and the yard down on the farm. But I've let that go. The damage is healing itself. I'll be honest with you, I'm not one to hold grudges. Just ain't in this old christian's blood. The main reason I was not selling him the straw was because I thought his actions were really wrong. See, I disagree with the notion that the money is most important. Heck, I sell some hay so cheap that money couldn't be important. I live in an area that is pretty poor and I like to be able to help out some folks who may need that hay more than I need the money. But I also like to do clean business and don't want to reward someone who is out to make a buck and that's their life's goal and they don't really care what they have to do to achieve it. Just don't work with an old fashioned guy like me. Can't help it. I'm as stubborn as my grandad was and that isn't changing anytime soon. So, to sum things up. I do plan on selling him that straw. It probably was a miscommunication with the renter. And yes, I should have went to the buyer first when I found out it was him as opposed to speakin to others. I agree that this was a big boo boo on my part and I look to clear that up. Thanks a bunch for settin me straight again. I hope that this does turn out well. God bless. --old fashioned farmer