06-03-2005 15:29:00
Re: 1020 john deere front hood patch in reply to Jerry Hancock, 06-02-2005 13:04:16
If your hood is fibreglass, cobble up a form bigger than the hole, to fit inside the hood. Apply a heavy coat of auto body wax to it, then fasten it inside the hood, under the hole! then go to the auto parts store and buy a fibre-glass patch kit. follow the directions on how to use it. Grind the opening back about 4 inches on a taper. Then, soak the cloth in the mixture of liquid and hardener, and apply it in layers, which you should have pre-cut. The first 1 or 2 layers are the key to success. let them harden well (overnite) Grind them some to roughen them, then apply 2 more layers, etc., on and on, until the patch is higher than the surrounding area. After all is hard, grind the patch down to the same contour as the rest of the hood, sand and featheredge it, blow out the dust, prime 4-5 coats, let dry, then go on and sand the primer, and if it looks smooth, paint it! You may need some spot putty on the first primer coats, and that has to dry and be sanded smooth, then primed over! note: if the hood has to go between the side posts at the hood hinge area, loosen those posts, install the hood, then carefully tighten the bolts! do not try to squeeze the hood to get it in the place! by: Rustyj