Ron in AR
06-12-2005 17:34:41
Re: What do you pay a farm manager? in reply to 3 cyl, 06-12-2005 06:45:05
Don't know if this will help you any, but here goes. I work as a farm manager (among other things), but I know that I have a very unique situation. I also do all the handy work, pool mantainence, lawns (about 10 acres), gardens, mechanic, haying, hay delivery, hay sales, field mantainence, rental property managment, mantain a 350 gallon aquarium, mantain 6 computers with networking, and all round do-it-all (I know that the actual list would be too long to put here!). About 200 total acres, 3 houses, 4 barns, and about 125 acres of hay fields. No animals except for the dogs and cats. I provide labor, knowledge, planning, driving, and so on. Provide some of my own tools. For all this, here's what I make. $320.00 a week before taxes, paid housing (beautiful 2 bedroom house), and 80% of the hay sales profit. The owner currently helps me with some of the haying because he enjoys it. But, the owners are in thier mid 80's, and provided I stay till they are both gone, I will get all the equipment, a 50 year lease on the hay fields at $1.00 a year, and continue on as the caretaker of what will become the "kids summer home", including the paid position and housing. All in all, I am a very happy man. And I have a future to look forward to the I really do want! My boss just wants to see "the best hay in the county" before he is called home. And I'm going to do my best to make that come true. I feel very lucky!