Dude..... ..there are 4-common runtime issues with the squarecan frontmount 9N-Engine. 1) runs for about 1-min and quits, bad condenser NOT yer stated problem 2) runs for about 5-min and quits, clogged fuel filters (3 of them) NOT yer stated problem 3) runs for about 15-min and quits, gunked up ignition switch guttz NOT yer stated problem 4) runs for about 1-hr and quits; restarts after 2-hrs or overnite cool-off Sound like yer problem? BAD SQUARECAN IGNITION COIL Heres the deal, unfortunately the squarecan ignition coil is NOT as robust as we'd lik'em to be and engine heat, external heat, excessive ignition amps from by-passing the "infamous ballast resistor" will cause the insulative tar to melt and short out some of the coil winding and WEAK SPARKIES. When the coil has a chance to cool-off, the insulative tar hardens and now yer coil is making barely adequate sparkies. Do I haffta tell ya? REPLACE yer squarecan ignition coil. And DON'T BY-PASS yer "infamous ballast resistor" in a miss-guided shadetree mechanic's search for hotter sparkies and eazier starting 'cuz you'll just melt yer coil again. Remember the 6-volt MANTRA: "keep'em clean, bright, and tight"..... ...respectfully, Dell, yer self-appointed 9N sparkie-meister