You have a bunch of fluid in the system; don't remember the exact value. The sump holds 4 to 5 qts and the torque converter a lot more. Used to be you could drain the torque converter as it had a drain plug, but Detroit decided that the process unecessary; just periodic changing of the fluid and filter in the sump (on some vehicles) was adequate to keep the fluid fresh. I think fluids are better now. So when you say you used the wrong fluid what did you use? Ford Type F? Regardless, 1 qt in that system is like 5% and I wouldn't personally go into hysterics over it. If you put fluid it in it is in the same family (refining of fossel fuels); just different cooking and different additives. But if you do want to drain it all, without having to remove the transmission to get the torque converter off to pour the fluid out (big job) I have done the following: Get a case of tranny fluid. Drop the pan and drain off what's there. Replace the pan (temporarily; use the existing gasket and just a few screws, and fill with a normal fill of fluid. Run the engine for 5 minutes running thru the gears. Shut her off and drain. I think you can do that twice more and have one filling left in the case of fluid you bought. Then put in a new filter, gasket, close her up and fill with the normal fill of desired fluid. You're good to go. I have done this on older cars that I have bought which had the fluid burnt and I wanted fresh. Worked great but was a mess; but was worth it....didn't have any tranny problems on the old geese (did it to more than one). My 2c Mark