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Roger H

07-10-2005 08:17:24

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Anyone else getting fed up with RFD? all week they have had a @#$^& cattle auction on there, yesterday (Saturday) it was still on when I usually watch AgPhd at 4pm cst. so there is another AgPhd I've missed in the last few months, I emailed Patrick the pres. & he wrote back & told me "Dont bother writing again as I dont need your negative attitude" I told him there is way too many horse & livestock shows on there already but he didnt care to hear my opinion. Maybe others need to write & b!tch to him, maybe he will get the message.

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North of Linoma Beach

07-11-2005 01:16:30

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Roger H, 07-10-2005 08:17:24  
Nothing wrong with a good cattle auction, my dad and his brother used to pull us kids out of school to go to them, learned more about math, and useful skills than the horseshit they were making us "learn" in class, especially PE and sports. You want a good auction, go to the one in Valentine, Nebraska, or Dunlap, Iowa, although Winters, in Dodge City, is good.

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Roger H

07-11-2005 01:22:40

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to North of Linoma Beach, 07-11-2005 01:16:30  
You must be near Ashland, I"m not knocking cattle auctions or guys raising cattle, if I was into livestock I would raise cattle anyday instead of hogs. It just irks me that RFD has to run auctions all week & just cut out the shows that should be on, if they would re-schedule some of them it would be fine with me.

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North of Linoma Beach

07-11-2005 04:39:11

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Roger H, 07-11-2005 01:22:40  
Wrong side of the river. East of the Platte, north of the railroad.

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Bill in Colo

07-10-2005 20:48:57

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Roger H, 07-10-2005 08:17:24  
hey there are those of us who make our living in the cattle business. several nieghbors sold their cattle on RFD Tv this week. it gives us a place to see alot of cattle sell in a short time and to get a feel of the market. they sold 400.000 this week..by the way some of you could sign up to bid.

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07-10-2005 18:41:13

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Roger H, 07-10-2005 08:17:24  
I agree, haven't found a old tractor show in a while. But if you think RFD is bad go up to 9415 on Dish and try and watch FSTV (Free Speach TV) That channel is nothing but UNAMERICAN. After watching that, or trying to, you will love RFD-TV.

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07-11-2005 03:21:12

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to CLW, 07-10-2005 18:41:13  
The truth hurts,doesn't it? More people should watch 9415. It might wake them up.

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07-10-2005 17:12:25

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Roger H, 07-10-2005 08:17:24  
It cost money to do what RFD TV is doing. The auctions are just filler programs that cost little or nothing, the horse shows are just long commercials that pay little, and one of the horse shows is not really a horse show at all, it's a stock trailer commercial. And all the old music shows, like Teddy and Doyle, are overhead, even though it is the cheapest stuff they can come up with. I sure don't think RFD is trying to scam anyone, I think they are doing the best they can with what they have. If the money was there, the programs would be better. And unless more people get the RFD caps, the show may not make it. I don't watch the auctions, and I don't watch the horse commercials, but I do understand what RFD TV is trying to do, and my hat's off to them. It's a tuff row to hoe... Now" maybe if everyone wants to email all the blood sucking Senators, and tell them to stop giving our tax money to keep garbage like PBS on the air, I could go for that..

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07-11-2005 04:30:23

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 You want unamerican? in reply to Redmud, 07-10-2005 17:12:25  
Now, I'm only responding to the little jabs that are constantly put into Neo-con posts. A fellow can only take sooooo much.

If they can spend 10 BILLION a year on missile defense, they sure as heck can double the 200 million they give to PBS and NPR. Anyone wants Unamerican, go buy a Made in Malaysia shirt and Made in China wrench at Walmart. To really make it Unamerican, drive your Made in Mexico Ford at 12 MPG and listen to Limbaugh defend Halliburton reorganizing overseas on the way.

As for RFDTV, maybe more should contribute. When you contribute, send a note with the check stating what you like and dislike about the programming. As far as I can see, unless you pay you can't complain.

Don't start a flame war on here, email me if you have a problem with what I say.

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07-10-2005 21:46:07

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Redmud, 07-10-2005 17:12:25  
Enjoy some of RFDTD's programming (frankly enjoy a heck of lot more stuff on our local PBS station lately though for what it's worth), but seems kinda heavy on the horse end of things of late. Also, we sent in 20 some bucks for a copy of one cow show back in Nov. and still haven't seen the tape after a bunch of phone calls. Contrary to some other responses on this thread, THAT seems UNAMERICAN to me!

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Roger H

07-10-2005 17:30:35

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Redmud, 07-10-2005 17:12:25  
Patrick told me a while back that the auctions are what keep the channel on the air & if not for them there would be no RFD

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07-10-2005 18:08:31

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Roger H, 07-10-2005 17:30:35  
Dang! If that's the case, they are having a tuff time. I don't understand the Dogies crossing my tv screen 8 hours at a setting making them money, but mo power to em, if it keeps RFD on the air, at least" till they come up with something better. I will say this though, if Dogie Auctions are the money making programs to come, RFD will be History...

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Dean in MN

07-10-2005 16:27:19

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Roger H, 07-10-2005 08:17:24  
I've been watching it for a couple years now, mainly for the tractor shows. Prairie Farm Report is pretty cool too, kinda like Farm Show mag on TV. But most of the shows I like have been repeats for at least a year and the rest of the programming is horses and such. How many horse training shows are there? I've definitely cut back on watching that channel, very disappointing.

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Roger H

07-10-2005 17:32:01

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Dean in MN, 07-10-2005 16:27:19  
Dean, there are about 18 different horse shows on there, 17 too many as far as I'm concerned

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07-10-2005 15:22:38

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Roger H, 07-10-2005 08:17:24  
I e-mailed them last week and told them there was too much "auction" and "yuppie" stuff - how about real farm stuff. They just got back to me TODAY and said : "You must not be watching much, ag programing was expanded as of July 1".

Go Figure....

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07-10-2005 11:27:48

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Roger H, 07-10-2005 08:17:24  
What I love the most is the shows on steam locomotives I am sucker for those iron monsters.

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Island A

07-10-2005 11:18:41

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Roger H, 07-10-2005 08:17:24  
I don't get RFD TV and had been wanting to switch service to get it, but every time I go to my grandparents house I turn it on and there are cattle auctions. They were on for like 8 hours of cattle auctions yesterday! Jeez!

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John M

07-10-2005 10:49:23

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Roger H, 07-10-2005 08:17:24  
I have Tivo and just record the tractors hsows,but dont watch half of them as they have been reruns for years now!

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Nebraska Cowman

07-10-2005 10:19:59

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Roger H, 07-10-2005 08:17:24  
last time I stayed in a motel i tryed to watch RFD TV, all they had on was horsy shows. At home I don't have TV so I just come in here and BS you guys.

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Dick A.

07-10-2005 09:39:11

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Roger H, 07-10-2005 08:17:24  
I check it every day and this morning there was a half hour about handling hay with horses, which I liked. What burned me up was the last two mornings I set the vcr to record a tractor show at 4 AM and both times I got a blank.

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07-10-2005 09:35:31

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Roger H, 07-10-2005 08:17:24  
I check the channel every once in a while,but it's been a long time since I watched any of the shows.

It's either a repeat show that I have see many times, or a show about horses that I don't care about.

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07-10-2005 09:29:24

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Roger H, 07-10-2005 08:17:24  
What is Patricks e-mail address so that our opinions can all be known.

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07-10-2005 10:20:06

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Nicklan, 07-10-2005 09:29:24  
go to RFDTV.com, ther is a link off there to email them.

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07-10-2005 09:22:44

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Roger H, 07-10-2005 08:17:24  
Yep. Me too. I like the tractor and machinery shows, actual farm programs from different states, and BLUE GRASS MUSIC. Never cared to much for horses to begin with but now I never want to see another horse.

I think I looked in twice last month and just kept on by. Not much to it now.

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Roger H

07-10-2005 08:20:27

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Roger H, 07-10-2005 08:17:24  
Forgot to mention, US Farm Report has not been on for at least a month & a half, but Patrick says it hasnt been dropped, I think he lied because I cant find it anywhere.

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07-10-2005 08:40:33

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Roger H, 07-10-2005 08:20:27  
Yes, totally disappointed. I very rarely even bother to tune in anymore.

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07-10-2005 10:30:16

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to RustyFarmall, 07-10-2005 08:40:33  
i was going to change service just so i could pick it up ,but if it has gotten that bad forgrt it , is it for sale ? maybe we could have a auction since they seem to like them so much

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07-10-2005 11:42:41

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to DENNIS IN OR, 07-10-2005 10:30:16  
I bid one dollar, do I hear two?

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Marty in VA

07-10-2005 12:43:36

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to RustyFarmall, 07-10-2005 11:42:41  
I just saw that guy on there the other day. He wanted to hear from everybody regarding the programing. He said they thought the programing change that was just made won't gettin it done.
He sounded like he had heard a lot of complaints already.

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07-10-2005 14:36:53

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Marty in VA, 07-10-2005 12:43:36  
You guys and your negativity! Boy this really burns my pj's. You missed the most important show of all. Big Joe's Polka Show. Now if you want a laugh, there it is. If you ain't at least eighty, you can't possibly enjoy that for what is was meant to be. Now if you tune it in for the entertainment value for the laughs, you got it made. I love seeing a 400lb. old guy with see through sleeves and an entire piano keyboard on his shirt. That's gettin it done, Harley

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07-10-2005 16:12:40

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Harley, 07-10-2005 14:36:53  
Hey, I'll have you know I'm only 58 (or at least I will be tomorrow) and I like watching the Big Joe Polka Show. I wish I had one of them shirts like he's got.
I also wish I could see him move. Sort of like Jabba the Hut on the dance floor.

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Larry NE IL

07-10-2005 20:46:45

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Les, 07-10-2005 16:12:40  
Happy 58th birthday Les! Hope your in for a whole lot more!!!!

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07-10-2005 14:46:43

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Harley, 07-10-2005 14:36:53  
Just went to the link above and filled out the questionaire under viewer's comments. Gave them an ear full under comments. Harley

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07-10-2005 19:09:52

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to Harley, 07-10-2005 14:46:43  
Don't you know what RFD-TV stands for?
Real F%#&%$g Dull Television.

That old coot on the tractor shows always starts talking with his hands and at that point, I'm ready to puke. Reminds me of the old Roland Ward fishing shows....must be shot in somebody's basement. The cattle auctions.....about as entertaining as a proctologist's convention.

I confess, I don't miss something I no longer watch.

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07-10-2005 21:22:26

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 Re: RFD TV in reply to mark, 07-10-2005 19:09:52  
I noticed a wk ago that the tractor show were nonexistant... but I really was liking the stories on exotic cattle breads I saw.. and ag phd and an auction once in a while...

but my goss how many Australians have horse shows????? one night I counted 4 shows and then the next night 2 more come on .. maybe that move to Nashville wasn't such a good Idea???

but I do like Willie Nelson's contributions.. those old shows are great when I aint seen the same one 4times in the last year.. but 3 times thats ok.

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