Now that is interesting, a cat that pee's on the wife. Is it for sale??? Just kidding. Mouser had one litter of kittens that totaled 7. Withing a few weeks 6 of them had died with just one survivor who happens to be a male. He is absolutely the spitt'n image of her too, like a clone. We have wondered if a family member was the daddy which may have caused the deaths of the others. Anyway, long story short I named him Precious (thinking he was a she). I decided he would live inside, found out that was a mistake. He would use the litter box most of the time, but then discovered the wifes plants. Took them down on several occasions, dirt everywhere on the floor and then he would do his thing in it. The wife put up with it, but then he wet the bed one night and that was it, out he went. Yep, he's still here....always the first one in line at meal time. Go figure. Funny thing is I hated cats when I was younger, only dogs were good enough for me. I guess times change, we have 1 inside dog and 3 outside. Cats, we have 1 inside and 6 outside. Guess who gets fed first in the morning..... .yep, the cats...then the chickens.....then the dogs...then me. Oh yea, the peacock gets fed at the same time as the cats. Keep thinking he will move on, but he's been here 9 years now....I guess he's here to stay. Makes a pretty good guard dog..... makes lots of noise when someone is coming in the yard. Oh and if you wonder how the cats and peacock get along, the cat's tolerate the peacock, and the peacock let's them know who's boss. He trees a cat now and then just for fun. And the peacocks favorite food? Dry cat food, go figure.