You would be correct. China is buying tons of fuel, and it does drive the price up (supply and demand). But here's one that very few are focusing on. Perhaps you heard about China's bid for Unical a week or so ago? For those that haven't heard, that would be the Chinese government making a bid to buy an American petrolium company. If that isn't a national security issue, none ever existed, and if it's allowed to fly, every last one of our legislators needs to be dragged from office and..., well, fill in the blank. Here's the truely scary thing. According to the Kyoto Treaty, which President Bush won't sign on to (thank goodness), and the European countries whom penned it won't even sign onto it themselves, but beat us for not, CHINA IS NOT CONSIDERED A DEVELOPED COUNTRY, the likes of which our USA, England, Germany, Russia, etc are, so they will not need to adhere to the Kyoto Treaty. China, whom makes virtually anything bought in our USA, and much of the world. So what would this mean as far as Unical (or any petrolium company) being bought by the Chinese governmant? They will not have to abide by the same EPA laws that our American companies must, and can drill in the Gulf of Mexico, where our it takes an act of Congress to turn a wrench to tighten a nut on a rig, and there won't be a thing we can do to stop it. China could and would drill of our American shores, the same shores that our own companies can not or are very limited at, and nothing could be done to stop it. And no one has a problem with that? Something very wrong with that picture. Very wrong. A few years ago, Edison was considering selling of some nukes, and some of the bidders were foriegn companies. Believe it or not, the rules of the NRC aren't as stringent for foriegn owners of nukes, as they are for American owners. How the h... are nukes run on American soil by foriegn companies somehow safer to run or deal with than by American owners? That kind of garbage makes zero sense. Thank goodness they didn't sell them off, at least not yet. Our legislators, from both sides of the aisles need to be dragged out kickin and screaming. Mark