No much mention of it in the papers, or news media, and I found it buried in page 6 of last weeks Saturday Elkhart Truth (newspaper back home) where no one would see or read it: The US Circuit Court Of Appeals of the District of Columbia ruled against the federal court that had priviously ruled that the enemy combatents being held at Guantanamo Bay fall under the Geneva Convention. In a unanimous vote, all 3 justices went on to say specifically that "The Al Quaida detainees being held at Guantanamo Bay do not fall under the Geneva Convention". Specifically, the case used was for Bin Laden's captured driver, from Yemen, captured in Ahganistan. His attornies, a University of Georgetown professor, and a US Navy Commander argue that he was innocent, and had planned to return to Yemen to be "a driver" once he finished his service to Bin Laden. I am not joking. His two attornies went on further to say that this ruling set back the US Constitution 200 years, for a Yemenise enemy combatent, captured in Afganistan, being help at Guantanamo Bay (Cuba), whom has never stepped a foot on US soil, is not a US citizen, and has no US Constitutional rights in my book. I do agree with that Court of Appeals that those guys, whom belong to no specific country they are captured in, as terrorists to at least those countries, do not fall under Geneva Convention status, and are not POWs as such. As a matter of fact, it was said that Teddy the drunk chauffer was to have taken a 7 hour trip to Gitmo today, for the first time ever, to take a look at the place he (amongst others) so criticizes. I haven't heard yet, did he go? A few weeks ago, when another staunch critic herself, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee went there, she stood in front of the cameras and back peddled on her stance up to that point, after being video taped eating the same food the detainees were eating, "orange chicken", while our troops ate MRE's. Put them on boats, send them over to South Korea, and let the ROK Army do the questioning (as "contractors") for us if they (and others) think they've got it so bad. Thanks Harley, it's bedtime and you just sent my blood pressure through the roof. ping me Harley, and I'll send you something you might get a kick out of. Mark