Mark - IN.
07-27-2005 15:57:24
Re: Weather - how to cover tractor in reply to Poor guy, 07-27-2005 13:17:03
Poor, I posted about an old timer that was selling his VAC and D14 sometime back. You just mentioned the materials that he used. He lived in the city and when I went over to see him, I figured no way this guy had tractors there. Where could they possibly be? No way. To get to them in his back yard, first passed through a large lean-2 that kept his old Dodge pickup safe, clean, and in good shape. When got to his smaller back yard, saw 2 home made sheds, not real big. But saw no tractors. He opened the smaller shed, and there was a mint VAC that barely fit length, width, heighth, but there it was, and it fired without effort. Then he opened the larger shed, and there was his cherry D14, and like the VAC, it barely fit, and fired without effort. They were on dirt floors in Rockdale, IL. where the weather might be similar to yours. That 80-something old timer was near the end of his road (per his words), and he sure loved his tractors and took excellent care of them. Poor, you do what you can afford and build, and it'll work just fine. You'll see. Mark