I only have one thing to say when asked what truck/trailer should be used to pull x tractor. Remember that pulling a trailer is the easy part. Stopping and or controlling it in every situation is the hard part. Find out the weight of your tractor and every thing else you want to haul. Add this to the trailer weight and make sure you get a trailer with a GVWR to cover this amount. Now add this loaded trailer weight to your truck weight and make sure your truck has a GCWR to cover this. I see many many weekend haulers/RVer's going down the road that are pulling a load that is over weight for their vehicle. They say.... I do not drive fast; I only go short distances; ect.... It may go down the road fine for years but God help them if they ever get into that one situation where they need to stop and stop NOW. It may not happen today or even this year or at all; but if they ever get to a place where say its raining; dark; curve in road; some fool blows a tire in front of them and they need to stop they are going to be in trouble. Remember the next person you see wearing the state police white sheet on the side of the road may be your family member. Have this in the back of your head when choosing a truck and trailer or allowing someone else to tell you what size truck/trailer you need.