Hi Davis, You might check with your State but here in AZ we have a "theft of services law" Basicly it's a law for when you provide a service and the customer refuses to pay. If the customer refuses to pay then they can be arrested on the spot. This keeps people from ordering work done that they can't pay for or had no intention of paying for in the first place. If the customer is unhappy with that service they still must pay the bill but then must go to civil court to collect on the disagreement of that service. The only one I know personally that used the law was a service station owner. Customer ordered new tires, belts and hose, complete oil service, etc. then refused to pay because the bill was too high. Told the owner to take off the tires. Owner called the sherrif and the customer got to see the judge. The customer found the money to pay the bill, plus court costs by 5pm that day. On the other hand, a business can not remove the service provided for non payment or the business is in trouble. I had a nattional hambuger chain call me on a huge refer problem. I got done with the job several thousnads dollars later. Owner refused to pay, a franchise. I called the national headquaters and talked with the CEO. It's very easy to talk with them believe it or not. CEO said what can I do there a franchise. Well I said, If I was the franchise owner and got a call from the CEO asking why I hadn't paid T_Bone's bill, I think it would get my attention. The CEO agreed. Two hours latter I get a call to come pick-up my check but was that owner ever pi$$ed. He was trying to borrow more money from the Corp. for another store. I aksed the owner why he wouldn't pay my bill? He stated he could call every referman in Phoenix and never have to calll the same one twice! T_Bone