Just ran into a problem with yellow jackets. My brother and sister were cutting up some logs for fire wood and ... jellow jackets got them bigtime. Didn't know it, but are a type of bee known as carpenter bees. I did a Google Search of "killing yellow jacket bees" and the first two hits were pretty self explanitory. I don't think you'll be able to spray them because of being in the attic or eves. One thing can do is observe all of their entrances and dust them, and Seven may not work. Are two types of dusts to mix together that you pump into the hole. The worker bees get it on them, take it back into the nest, and they die off over time. And might have to "poof" dust in a few times. Problem is you won't find those dusts on the market, will have to get from the Orkin guy or someone like that, and they're not open on Sundays (I'm only home on weekends). I did find someone that carried a dust over the counter, but didn't actually use it. Yesterday (Sunday), since was out in a field far enough away from anything, I waited until dusk and blew them to smitherines. Nice long wick, walked a 100 or so feet away behind a barn, and now is a crater in the ground where they used to hide. I wouldn't try that to your attic, I'll make the wife pretty mad, and you'll find yourself sleeping on the sofa, in the middle of a pasture. For sure, do not mess with them during daylight. Wait until after dusk when they've called it a day. As far as honey running down your wall goes, I've heard of that. Mark