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O/T Amish taxi service

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Nebraska Cowman

08-06-2005 18:30:59

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My dad has been taxing Amish for several years in Penna. Now he tells me the law is changed and they are cracking down, All drivers must have proper commercial certification & permits. So now what? Looks like a lot of older retirees will just quit. Then what will the Amish do for rides? The few that go commercial are going to have to charge more to cover their cost. So much for our helpfull government. Just one more reason I'm glad I weren't born no later than I was.

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08-09-2005 12:05:20

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 Re: O/T Amish taxi service in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 08-06-2005 18:30:59  
Hey, can we start in on the coloreds and Jews and them greasers, wops, spics and micks next? Anybody got an application form for the Klan?

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Red Dave

08-07-2005 16:11:59

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 Re: O/T Amish taxi service in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 08-06-2005 18:30:59  
The law in PA hasn't changed, they may be just enforcing it more lately. It's long been required to be registered with the PUC to carry passengers for hire.

If your father was doing it illegally, he is just lucky he didn't get caught and fined. And if he had an accident while hauling for hire, his insurance company would have walked away from him since he was illegal. Could have cost him a whole lot more than he ever made hauling Amish around.

Don't worry about the Amish here in PA. There are plenty of people running legal Amish Taxis.

And yes, I am a native of Lancaster County, PA so I've pretty much seen and heard it all when it comes to the Amish. Believe me, there is no need to feel sorry for them, they are more adaptable to change than most "english" are.

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08-07-2005 11:37:42

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 Re: O/T Amish taxi service in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 08-06-2005 18:30:59  
Hey Nebraska CowMan, Where in Pa is your dad? I am in Lancaster County. A semi-retired guy at work hauls the amish in his spare time. He really doesnt make much doing it, but it allows him to be able to drive a more expensive truck cause the Amish help him make the payments.

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Dave 2n

08-07-2005 10:49:03

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 Re: O/T Amish taxi service in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 08-06-2005 18:30:59  
"Then what will the Amish do for rides?" Hitch the horse to the buggy and slap the reins on that horse's south end and head for town, just like a good Amish person is supposed to do. Simple as that.

Amish can't have phones or cars. But--they can use other people's phones and ride in other people's trucks and cars. I think that's a good way to expalin the meaning of the term "hippocracy." (not sure if I spelled it right; maybe it should be "hy..... ...").

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08-07-2005 10:36:16

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 Re: O/T Amish taxi service in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 08-06-2005 18:30:59  
i am rather disdained at this, you people have turned the amish into crooks, prostitutes, drunks, welfare rats, leaches etc. most of them are better people than you are! i wouldn't want to move to your neighborhood but theirs is no problem.

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08-07-2005 13:41:32

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 Re: O/T Amish taxi service in reply to jocco, 08-07-2005 10:36:16  
jocco-Your own words, you called more that what anybody on this board said about them. In particular prostitutes or drunks. Most gave some example where and what they saw it.

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Dave 2N

08-07-2005 10:50:59

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 Re: O/T Amish taxi service in reply to jocco, 08-07-2005 10:36:16  

When you are ready to move to "their" neighborhood, just let me know and I'll be there with my pickup to help you move.

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08-07-2005 06:50:31

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 Re: O/T Amish taxi service in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 08-06-2005 18:30:59  
Let the Amish "mooch" cheap transportation and be at thier beck and call from somebody else. The local bishop can purchase shares in a taxi/charter service if it's that important. They are just taking the cheap and easy way with the "english" when they can. There are a bunch of them around here and while most are ok. Some are very good at "working the system". Now lets talk about " borrowing the phone"..... ..

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Paul in Mich

08-07-2005 06:41:58

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 Re: O/T Amish taxi service in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 08-06-2005 18:30:59  
Cowman, I"m not defending or criticizing, but I think what it comes down to is this. Bus companies or taxi services or any other vehicle used as a public conveyence is required to be certified and regulated, therefor someone who even tho may be a private citizen, who on a continuing basis, transports people for hire, are subject to the same laws governing taxis or busses or any other public conveyence. Dealing with Amish people present an even different circumstance in that they deal strictly in cash the vast majority of the time, so unless the person transporting them for hire is certified and registered as such, there is no way that the government, be it local, state, or federal can quantify their tax responsibility. They are most likely trying to eliminate the loophole which allows someone to provide a service for hire and not pay taxes. For sure it hits the little guy like your Dad who, I"m sure isnt getting rich by any stretch of the imagination, however he does realize income from doing the service he renders, thus is subject to be taxed. If he were doing it as a favor, it would be a completely different story. Heck, the IRS tries its darndest to tax quid pro quo services. In other words, if I paint something of yours because I have a paint gun and you dont, and in return you weld something for me because you have a welder, the IRS wants us both to be taxed for the imaginary amount that our collective efforts are worth. Yup, we are to be taxed on mutual back scratching, according to the tax man. It crazy, but we cant lay this on the Amish. They would love to be able to handle all their finances under the table. The problem is that the tax man is tightning the grip.

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08-07-2005 04:19:23

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 Re: O/T Amish taxi service in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 08-06-2005 18:30:59  
Looks like your dad will just have to start doing it legal. Around here they didn't get business permits or commercial insurance and I imagine a lot did not report it on their taxes.
Another common thing was since they were older drivers, some had handicap signs, so they would use the handicap spaces for Amish parking.

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08-07-2005 02:27:37

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 Re: O/T Amish taxi service in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 08-06-2005 18:30:59  
Hey - if the Amish can make a buck running their 19th century scam, then we should be able to make a buck by driving them around! Lot's of Amish in North-central Missouri. Lot of what they do is for show. There is a man who sells chainsaws and other small equipment. Went to his shop one day a his wife was mowing the lawn on a riding lawn mower - this was OK since "the business" owned the mower, not him personally. Most of them put up a pretty good show, but if you look behind the scenes, it's a different story (around there anyhoo).

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08-07-2005 05:49:32

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 Re: O/T Amish taxi service in reply to Galen, 08-07-2005 02:27:37  
Did anyone ask the Amish man, who replied that it was ok for the wife to use the riding lawnmower because the business owned it, who owned the business?

On a more serious note, there are more than one sect of Amish religion, just like there is more than one sect of protestantism. Apparently in some sects, some things are allowed and some aren't.

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08-07-2005 06:13:16

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 Re: O/T Amish taxi service in reply to Tractorhoe, 08-07-2005 05:49:32  
Yeah - Never been around the ones in PA or Ohio, but have been around the MO, and Iowa clans. There are a lot of things that the sect doesn't allow that show up "behind the scenes" anyway. Like seeing the Amish girls that work at the Amish Bakery, at the county fair in blue jeans and drinking a beer, like seeing the Amish man who owns a woodshop in Kansas City buying a laser cutting/engraving machine. Like the cell phones a lot of them carry. Yeah the sects are different, but there is a lot of "show" that goes on, too!

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08-06-2005 22:01:24

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 Re: O/T Amish taxi service in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 08-06-2005 18:30:59  
Who are you feeling sorry for... the Amish, or the loss of income to those providing services to them?

It seems to me maybe it's time they join the modern world, or do without it's conveniences!

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08-06-2005 20:35:16

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 Re: O/T Amish taxi service in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 08-06-2005 18:30:59  
The Government is only trying to help the Amish !!! After all they think cars & pickups are a sin and so many have been riding in them. The government is just worried about their soul when their time comes. Like Grandpa told the Amishman that wanted to use his phone " didn't you buy the Brown place" . Amishman Yes. Grandpa Well ol Pete used to call me so I know there was a phone there. Amish we don't believe in phones Grandpa than your not using mine I wouldn't want to be responsible for you going to shell

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08-06-2005 22:26:19

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 Re: O/T Amish taxi service in reply to Larry806, 08-06-2005 20:35:16  
Larry I think your grampa was a smart man.

I would have how ever let him use my phone but told him everytime he did -- what the bible "REALLY SAYS" and not what they "THINK" it says.

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08-06-2005 18:48:46

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 Re: O/T Amish taxi service in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 08-06-2005 18:30:59  
Maybe the government is trying to whip the amish into lock step with the rest of the establishment. We have amish in this area too (Indiana-Ohio border) and I can't imagine how they would contend without rides. Even they can't be self-sufficient on farms anymore.

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08-06-2005 22:59:24

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 Re: O/T Amish taxi service in reply to sawtooth, 08-06-2005 18:48:46  
reminds me of a tale a man once told where I worked. There was a conversation on tractors and he said, why just go up in the Amish country...get all the tractors you want..... they buy'em just for the wheels and throw the rest away. har har har!

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