Mark, Have a quick looksee in your op's manual for the Ford. With OEM valves, they should kick out on their own. The catch with them is the detent mechanism, or sometimes a weak pump. The detents can be set so as to require a higher pressure to kick out than the tractor can develop. So, if the pump is weak, or the relief valve is a little low, the detents will not kick out at the end of the cylinder's stroke, and as you say, you must babysit the lever, and shut it off. I'm after forgetting how to adjust that on your tractor, but I'm almost positive that it can be adjusted. On the delux valves, you see a set screw requireing a flat screwdriver, and a jam nut. Just loosen the nut, and I think turn the screw out. Just play with it, until you get it kicking out at idle. With respect to the original post, I would definitely suggest getting an OEM valve with the detent mechanism. I find that that system is fairly clean and compact without having a lot of hose looping around. The lever is not in the most convienent location either, but I hate the extra hose and brackets, if I can get away without them. However, it probably will cost a little more. HTH. Rod