Leroy, First, YES, the condensors case MUST BE GROUNDED TO WORK, as the case is the one terminal with the lil wire (to points) being the other. Its a 2 terminal passive electrical device. One of the functions the condensor serves is to extend the life of the points by absorbing some of the energy stored in the coils primary when the points break open. If not for the condensor, the arc across the points would be more severe and burn them up much quicker. NOTE: The coil will still fire EVEN WITH CONDENSOR REMOVED but the points will burn up quicker plus the spark will not be quite as good. Nowwwww www the condensor appears as an OPEN circuit to DC current flow once its charged up. A simple battery powered continuity test lamp should, therefore, show an open circuit if placed across its case and lead. If a test lamp continuity tester glows when connected across a condensor, the condensor is bad/shorted. HOWEVER, if a condensor is bad and becomes a dead short,,,,, the coil will not fire !!!!! !!! Therefore, if she fires with the condensor removed or disconnected (EITHER from lead to points or its not grounded) but does not fire if its in place, THE CONDENSOR IS LIKELY BAD/SHORTED. Hope this helps, good luck n God Bless John T Nordhoff retired electrical engineer in Indiana usually lurks on the JD page