Frankiee, I dont have any IHC diagrams or data, so can only tell you what I would use being a Nerdy engineer, part of which may be overkill but will work just fine. While 14 and 16 Gauge wire will usually suffice and may be more like factory original, I use mostly No. 12 and No. 14 Gauge as follows: CHARGING AND VOLTAGE SUPPLY AND LIGHTING CIRCUITS I use 12 Gauge for the hot battery feed to the ammeters SUPPLY TERMINAL, which is often wired to the starter switch where the big battery cable is located, or direct to the hot ungrounded battery post itself. I use 12 Gauge from the Ammeters other LOAD terminal down to the Voltage Regulator"s or Cutout Relay"s BAT terminal and 12 from the VR or cutout relays GEN (or ARM) terminal to the ARM post on the Generator. For the Generators Field post n circuit up to the switch, 14 Gauge will suffice. For the circuit to feed power to the lights, you can use 14 Gauge from the ammeters LOAD terminal over to the BAT input terminal on like light switches. If you only wanna buy one roll of wire, however, 12 would work just fine of course, even if its overkill. 14 Gauge will then work fine to feed the lights downstream of the switch. IGNITION CIRCUIT The ignition circuit (if a coil ignition) shouldnt be pulling much over 4 amps and 14 Gauge will do fine: HOWEVER, this is a circuit where youre only starting with 6 volts and should minimize voltage drop across the wires (even if miniscule) so as a pet peeve of mine I USE 12 GAUGE to feed the BAT input terminal on the ignition switch (from the ammeters LOAD terminal or wherever IHC fed it) and then 12 Gauge down to the coil and 12 Gauge from the coil to the distributor. NOTE: Its true at only 4 amps the voltage drop difference across a 12 or 14 Gauge wire at such short distance may be negligible, its just how I like to overkill on the ignition circuit and it sure cant hurt even if it dot help lol If its a magneto with a kill switch, 14 gauge is sufficient from the mag to the switch BATTERY CABLES Since youre only starting with 6 volts and high current to the starter can drop voltage and waste heat energy across the cables,,,,, ,,I USE 00 GAUGE battery n starter n ground cables on all 6 volt tractors regardless Sooooo ooooo oo 12 and 14 gauge will work fine even if its overkill, and all of it as 14 Gauge would likely work just as well (even like 16 Gauge in a lot of places), its just that I personally like 12 on the Ignition and Charging circuits and it drops less voltage (even if negligible differences) and sure cant hurt nuttin. Im sure someone can furnish you an official IHC diagram (likely has a lot of 14 or 16 gauge even) and all Im saying is it cant hurt to oversize a lil bit, ESPECIALLY on those 00 Gauge battery n starter n ground cables !!!!! ! John T Nordhoff, retired electrical engineer in Indiana