NC Wayne
09-02-2005 00:11:32
Re: Think of the real world in reply to buickanddeere, 09-01-2005 19:22:41
I have to disagree with you on that. Most people I know aren't 'where they are simply because they are content where they are' as you say. Rather they are content where they are because that's the hand life, society or whatever,has dealt them and there is only so much they can do about it. Not to say any and all of us aren't responsible for our own actions because ultimately we are, but there are other factors involved. Think about the single mothers you mentioned, no matter how they became that way, and what they go through trying to get chid support. I know a woman right now with a 9 year old boy that hasn't seen a dime of support yet. The sorry a-- father is out of state, but everybody, including the Child Support people know where he is. They have had the paternity tests done so there is no doubt, and still no support. What are they gonna do, lock him up where he can't work??? One way he might have money and won't pay, the other he has no money and can't pay because he's in jail. It doesn't matter wether she was married to the guy or not, the law says he has to pay but then "the law" doesn't take the necessary action to make him pay. No matter what the circumstances the woman simply has to 'be content' with the life she has and do all she can to maker it better. Depending on her skills and education she's pretty well screwed when it comes to having anything. To work full time she has to have a day care..which takes most of the money she makes at work...but whe has to have the day care in order to work...but it takes most of what she makes...It's a vicious cycle with no end in site so, all she can do is do all she can, and 'be content' or live a miserable life because no matter how hard she tries the chances of ever actually getting ahead are virtually none. As for some of us others, like myself, I'm content where I am too, but do I have a choice to be anything else other than being miserable? I'd be alot more content if the government didn't take 1/3 of what I make every year. Man it'd be nice to have all that extra money and be able to pay off my mortgage in 10 years instead of 30. Then I could get old and retire and not have to worry about social security or anything else because I'd have the money to take care of myself. Instead I give it to the government and have to rely on them to take care of me later....Content, yeah, I am because I have to be, what am I supposed to do, go on the lamm and hide from the IRS, get thrown in jail for not paying them the money that I worked my a-- off to make??? Used to be people that fought the government were partiots and people followed their lead and we got our freedom from an oppressive government. Nowdays if you speak out against the government your a radical or a traitor. It used to be Government of the people by the people, now it's government of the people by a select few.... who have very few rights except the right to be 'content'.....Just my .02