Paul in Mich
09-02-2005 05:43:07
Re: High Prices in reply to tlak, 09-02-2005 04:41:12
tlak, For once we agree. The most sure way to start a panic is to advertise a crisis. But then news reporters can never be accused of using common sense, only of sensationalizing a situation to make it bigger than it really is. I"m sure that shipping will be altered and routed away from New Orleans and the affected Gulf coast ports, but unfortunately, it takes time, because the process and distribution of the products comming into those ports also have to be altered and other ports of entry have to be able to handle the increased traffic. Its a complicated issue, and one that is seemingly more fragile than we had always thought. I remember Hurricane Andrew in So, Florida and the many problems it created, and while it did not seem to create the social chaos, it was many months before any normalcy was reestablished, not only in So. Fla, but elsewhere. One of the things that I remember and it happened again last year in the wake of the multiple hurricanes that beset Fla, was that truckers quit hauling there because they couldnt get unloaded, nor get enough fuel to get back north, so after days and days of sitting, they just stopped going there once they finally did get back north. I"m sure Louisiana is going to experience the same thing, even though supplies of all kinds are desperately needed there. The first thing, and it should have already happened is that the State National Guard units need to be deployed to get the social chaos under control. It is being reported that many of the people who stayed and refused to be evacuated, did so purposely because they saw a big payday at hand in the form of looting. Other innocent people stayed to protect their belongings from such looters. So it seems that it wasnt that folks couldnt get out of harms way, but many chose to stay for different reasons, and now there is a bigger mess to clean up than just simply the aftermath from the storm itself. Personally, I think its high time looters are put on notice that their ceiminal behavior will not be tolerated and that they will be shot on the spot if found with stolen goods. Maybe a couple of dead bodies in their ranks will send the message. Stealing for food is one thing, stealing Cadillacs and jewelery is something quite different. Aren"t we fortunate that we can still play with our tractors and solve the worlds problems from afar?