8N with a side mount distributor and coil converted to 12V with a Delco 10SI alternator. Lets start at the starter relay. One large post gets..... .. the battery cable from the battery a 10ga wire to the + post on the alternator (you can wire a amp gauge in this wire if you want) a wire to the terminal block. The other large post gets..... a battery cable to the starter. the small post gets..... a wire to the starter button on the trans. If it will not crank you have the 2 large post on the relay hooked backwards. just reverse them. Now for the coil..... .... Hook a wire from the terminal block (same post as wire from relay) to the battery post on key. Hook a wire from the run (ing) post on key to the other side of terminal block. Hook a wire from this same post on terminal block to the coil resistor and them from resistor to coil. Follow the link below. It is for a Ford 600 but is the same. Only difference is this diagram has a coil with a internal resistor and your coil has a external resistor. If you notice it will not charge until you rev the motor way up you may want to wire it like picture 8 of 9 since you already have a car key switch.