09-19-2005 17:30:39
Re: Fuel saver in reply to buickanddeere, 09-18-2005 20:59:00
Back in the 30's, i was around 10 yrs. old, i would go to the county Fair, with my Grampaw and Uncle! Oh, what wondrous things to see!! And do! But there was a man there, had a Large Packard Roadster, or convertible, Who was selling a gizmo to give better gas mileage! This device would plug into the distributor cap, after you pulled out the coil wire, then you put that wire into the other end, and since the engine was running roughly before installation, after it was installed, that durn engine just smoothed out and ran great! Now, the man always stood on a board, and when he leaned over the engine to do his trick, the engine did its trick! But not many noticed! My cousin and i, being very inquisitive about such matters, finally saw the wire leading out from under that board, up into the engine compartment! We never figured out just what it did, but we knew it was a trick! Old Uncle John bought one to put in his old Terraplane (Hudson), but after he tried it, the thing ended up in the crick! Not the car--the device! Only cost $3, but back then $3 was a good bit of money to waste on a gadget that didn't work!