It'd be kind've hard to argue with 3 different shops, none whom have anything to do with the other, and of course a manufacturer, Cat, whom may end up voiding warranties when all is said and done. That'd be a pretty expensive "Oops". Is my understanding that do not under any conditions mix the old stuff, with the new stuff, which Buick named down below. That is an absolute no no. I can remember say, 20 years ago when Prestone for example was green, and either Peak or Xerex was blue, but the active ingedients were the same, and not to be confused with the new pink stuff. About a year ago, one of the Deeres was a little low, and always had the old green Prestone. Hmm, wasn't any around, but found new Prestone pink stuff, had never seen it before, was pink, so in it went. The Deere was due servicing, and when was at the Deere guy's place, I mentioned it. He asked, "You didn't really do that did you", to which I answered with a stupid "Uhh Huh, just did, why?". He was the first guy to tell me not to ever do that again, before he flushed the system and replaced it with the pink stuff. Now I've got trucks and tractors with pink or green, none with both. Is not the only mechanic to tell me, nope, not under any conditions, and like yourself, none of them knows any of the others. Mark