"I was working on my 8n and it's oil pressure droped from 40 lb to 20 lb then to 10 lb now it is zero." That's a bit vague! Exactly what were you working on when the oil pressure began to drop? The simplest cause could be a broken oil gauge or clogged line or restrictor at the oil gauge. The next simplest cause could be that there is a lot of gasoline in the oil, (carburetor flooding?)causing the oil pressure to drop, and then the pump to loose it's prime at shutdown, due to the thinned out oil. Other causes could be:
Pickup tube screen clogged with debris.
Pickup tube cracked or fell off completely. Rod and main bearings out... did it begin to knock? Failed oil pump drive gear or oil pump. Please post back with more details! Or better yet, post it on the "N" Board.
If it turns out the oil has been thinned with gasoline, you'll need to drain the oil and change the oil filter, refill it, and then prime the oil pump by removing the oil pressure relief valve and then squirting heavy oil in the opening, where it will flow down into the oil pump, and prime it.