Thanks for your input regarding my trouble getting a spark out of this old flathead FS162. I have not had a chance to revisit this till now. Instead I've been spending my free time on evenings watching the Yankees bust their butts to hang on and win each crucial game. Looks like the Playoffs will be in the cards for them after all. Every year we get this great Boston/NY series for the Penant race the last week of the season..stay tuned should be worth watching if you can get these games.After getting my battery recharged, I checked coil to head spark and low and behold nice blue strong spark! Re-connected coil wire to dizzy and she started up right away! What apparently happened to me was that as I replaced one ignition component after another and tried turning over the engine each time I was running down the battery which left me with too low a battery to get a spark while turning over the 6 volt starter. One of the last things I did was rip out all the old wiring and jumper just the starter motor to ignition to battery. The wiring was apparently the real culpret anyway. It was spliced in many places with cracked insulation everywhere. So my next question now that I can start this thing again is what I should do with the Generator/Voltage Regulator. Can I get an Alternator to replace this (I'm not concerned with keeping it original)? If so which Alternator would be a match? This is 6 Volt Positive Ground. I have not tested the output of the generator yet to see if it is in need of work. I do know the voltage regulator needs to be replaced - lots of corrosion on it and contacts were arc'ed. I don't even know how to re-set the points on these so I am sure I did not re-set the correct gap after filing the points. I think new ones are available at NAPA. But I think I'd rather just switch to an alternator if I could get the correct one. And is it worth looking into switching to an electronic ignition? Pertronix says they can supply one based on my Distributor - Autolite IAY. Maybe not now since I just replaced cap, rotor, points/condensor and wires, but in the future perhaps. Thanks for any advice you can give me! swips GO YANKESS!