Today was riding down the road with my brother, and he tells me that some inventor type was on some sort of program whom adds 2.5 onces of acetone to something like every 10 gallons of "premium" grade gasoline in his fillups, has been doing it for... ever, I guess. As I heard it, changes the chemical composition to the additives added to that grade of gasoline, that increases his fuel economy in a noticeable manner, and actually makes his engines run with less wear and tear, as I heard it. My understanding is that doesn't work well with regular grades, works somewhat with mid grades, but well with premium grades. And, is some sort of ratio that can be done with diesel. I've never heard of this before, and certainly never tried it, but figure at some point here, will try to do a Google Search to see if anything turns up. So I was told, the cost of doing this to premium grade more than offsets the up-front costs in long term savings (both economy and wear and tear). Anyone ever heard of it? Was too busy loading, delivering, and unloading fire wood to the fella that told me about it (my brother) to offset the proposed tripling of this winter's up and coming nutual gas bills to try search Google. If anyone knows anything about it, let us know. Thanks. Mark