I'm more familiar with systems where solid manure is returned to the land, so the om is not of much concern - it's only rented for a year, not removed. :) We are speculating only manure juice is being returned here, so some om is being exported. It has long been held, from university research & so, that 1/3 of cornstalks, possibly 50%, can be removed without reducing om. Corn is supposed to yield 200 bu an acre here, I've actually gotten 183 some years on a whole field basis, so grain corn pushes ground pretty hard. The problem with rotting corn stalks is that they _use_ so much n to break down on the soil, even if you raise the om of the soil, they are sucking up so much N, you need to add an extra 50 units of N to keep it going. You raise om at the price of extra N needed. Lots. As you say, that can, over time, raise om, but soil fertility suffers, or lots of commercial fertilizer has to be added and a lot of insecticide. I do a lot of corn/ beans, with oats and a wee bit of alfalfa thrown in to break up the weed/ insect cycles. I'd be real happy with a corn & alfalfa rotation, better than a corn/ bean rotation. I'm just not a fan of continuios corn at all, no matter what Richard the corn yield champion could do on his fields. ;) To me it sounds like things are being managed very well, far better than a typical continuios corn on corn rotation around here. and better than a typical corn/ soybean rotation as well It depends on what type of soil he is starting out with to begin with, if it can take removing all crop material all the time. Neighbor of mine is running 120 acres that way - he's the one that is using rye too - but he returns all the manure to that 120 acres too. Alfalfa roots go very deep if allowed to grow 4 years or so, brings up nutrients from deep down, and the thick roots of an old stand help break up hardpan, allow paths for moisture & such. Didn't really see where you disagreed with me, I enjoy this topic & like to discuss it, happy to see what folks have to say, I can sure learn a lot. I don't know much myself, just trying to keep the discussion going. :) --->Paul