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OT how to castrate a hog

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jwbud 8

10-06-2005 19:08:15

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I have one about 8 weeks old that needs to be done.Its been about 15 years since I have seen it done.Any advice yall can give? thanks

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10-07-2005 21:40:43

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 Re: OT how to castrate a hog in reply to jwbud 8, 10-06-2005 19:08:15  
If you need something to practice on I have a 33 year old brother in law that still sucks on his moms hind one .

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10-07-2005 17:34:26

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 Re: OT how to castrate a hog in reply to jwbud 8, 10-06-2005 19:08:15  
Looks like we have this just about nailed down, I think it will all come back to you after you get started, kinda like riding a bicycle. So I'll just add this. Be sure to wear a surgical mask and cap, dark rim glasses and overcoat, don't look him in the eye, do em one at a time, and pray he don't recognize you when he get's up around 250 lbs.

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Dick L

10-07-2005 11:00:39

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 Re: OT how to castrate a hog in reply to jwbud 8, 10-06-2005 19:08:15  
We use to do about 500 pigs at a time. The pictures below is good for just a few. We had three or four guys, would always liked to have more, catch and hold by the hind legs. We had the vet come out and he had his stuff on a tray. While we were holding he would make two quick slashes pull one testical out at a time and slash it off, then dash the slashes with his blue powder. Took less that a minute per pig. At my age now it would take 25 guys like me all day to do 500.

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Brent in IA

10-07-2005 10:47:03

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 Re: OT how to castrate a hog in reply to jwbud 8, 10-06-2005 19:08:15  
third party image

Funny you ask, I just took pictures to train some employees on how to do this. This piglet is smaller than your"s but will work the same way. If you pull the front legs back the "nuts" bulge out and you can easily cut directly over them. Then pull them out, the tearing of the edges of the cords helps stop the bleeding faster than if they are cleanly cut. Spray iodine on when you are done. The original picture is posted on this site in the aptly named "Parts"n"pieces" gallery.

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brent in IA

10-07-2005 10:47:53

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 Re: OT how to castrate a hog in reply to Brent in IA, 10-07-2005 10:47:03  
Oops, meant pull the "back" legs forward, not the front.

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10-07-2005 07:30:16

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 Re: OT how to castrate a hog in reply to jwbud 8, 10-06-2005 19:08:15  
try not to wait until they weigh 75-90 lbs. seems back when we had them , something would always come up when one batch (100 or so) were ready and we would end up putting it off. if small enough you can have helper hold pig upside down with the head of the pig in a 5 gallon bucket. i always prefered to just hold them with my knees (this allows you to stand up and makes it easier for the "cutter" )AND tell the "cutter" to pay attention. we always used a
scapel and would spray the cut area with some type of antiseptic.

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10-07-2005 08:57:32

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 Re: OT how to castrate a hog in reply to wh, 10-07-2005 07:30:16  
I have done it several ways but the way i do it now is with a sharp pair of round nose dykes , with someone holding the pig upside down just pull the skin back where you want to cut open and you pinch the opening and pull the oyster out, you can just pull the cord out or pull out so far and pinch off. for me i can make the cut exactly where i want it with out cutting myself and it seems they heal faster this way, good luck,, mike

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10-07-2005 07:52:39

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 Re: OT how to castrate a hog in reply to wh, 10-07-2005 07:30:16  
A traffic cone works well for holding the pig- both of them have tapered snouts! Nothing for the feet to grab on to. I always used a beer bottle with about 20% Lysol, 80% water, for disinfectant.

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Vince H

10-07-2005 06:17:54

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 Re: OT how to castrate a hog in reply to jwbud 8, 10-06-2005 19:08:15  
I don't know anything about hogs or even cattle, but what is the need for castrating. I know that it'll help reduce hormones and keep the animals a little more docile, but is there any other reason.

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10-07-2005 18:42:00

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 Re: OT how to castrate a hog in reply to Vince H, 10-07-2005 06:17:54  
Also prevents incidents where you don't want that particular animal to reproduce. Will behave far better in pen alongside sow in heat! Far easier on fences.

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10-07-2005 07:09:41

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 Re: OT how to castrate a hog in reply to Vince H, 10-07-2005 06:17:54  
Vince , it makes the meat more better and the animal will gain weight faster.

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10-07-2005 05:39:24

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 Re: OT how to castrate a hog in reply to jwbud 8, 10-06-2005 19:08:15  
We just get them down on the ground on their side and one guy lays across the head and upper body while holding the top leg towards the head. The second guy takes a single edge razor blade and cuts the hog directly over each testicle. Reach in and pull out with all attachments. We did not cut the cords but pulled it all out. We then put iodine on the wound and let them go. They went out across the hog lot dragging the surgical area for a while but they get over it. In all the time we have done this we have never lost a hog. Almost lost a holder once, but that is another story. Boy was that sow mad!!!

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10-07-2005 05:08:06

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 Re: OT how to castrate a hog in reply to jwbud 8, 10-06-2005 19:08:15  
Make sure you got ear plugs. Build a wood trough big enough for the pig with one end open.(FeederPigs) Nail an old piece of tire about 6 inches back from closed end. Piece needs to be about 4 inches wide. This will hold his nose. You want a piece of chain just a little forward of where his hind legs will be and make it nailed on one side and a hook on the other side so that it is adjustable. Stick him in upside down, pull the hind legs forward and lock that chain over. Old swing chain works. Now your ready. When you get done throw some burnt motor oil on to keep flies off it. In the event that anyone has a ruptured pig , you have to sew him up. I always used 2X8 oak to make the trough. Chain can be bolted or nailed but its got to be real secure. I done hundreds like this. Make the trough according to size of pig. You may need 2X6 instead of 2X8. It needs to be three boards shaped U style.

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Chuck MI

10-07-2005 04:04:18

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 Stupid question in reply to jwbud 8, 10-06-2005 19:08:15  
We always castrate beef calves with banding. Why can't hogs be done this way?

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10-07-2005 06:50:26

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 Re: Stupid question in reply to Chuck MI, 10-07-2005 04:04:18  
Hogs Testies are real close to body (no danglie's)Like OJ'S hand in glove. Wayne

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Chuck MI

10-07-2005 08:59:37

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 Re: Stupid question in reply to wayne2, 10-07-2005 06:50:26  
Thanks for the insight guys

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10-07-2005 05:12:43

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 Re: Stupid question in reply to Chuck MI, 10-07-2005 04:04:18  
Because not only enough material it would just get ganggreen and kill the pig. You can't band it deep enough.

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10-07-2005 04:18:22

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 Re: Stupid question in reply to Chuck MI, 10-07-2005 04:04:18  
Their isn't enough "material" to get a band on a hog.

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10-07-2005 01:20:17

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 Re: OT how to castrate a hog in reply to jwbud 8, 10-06-2005 19:08:15  
we always hung pig over a board fence while holding hind legs, make cuts as said below and try to make them down low where they will drain..have nice day may god bless

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37 chief

10-06-2005 22:49:04

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 Re: OT how to castrate a hog in reply to jwbud 8, 10-06-2005 19:08:15  
The hardest part is convincing the pig it needs to be done. Stan

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10-06-2005 22:32:16

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 Re: OT how to castrate a hog in reply to jwbud 8, 10-06-2005 19:08:15  
Well Bud, Those oinkers haven't changed that much in the last 15 years. At least most of the ones we removed parts from were the same except for those new Hybrid type and you got to make sure and get that third piece out of there. =:)

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10-06-2005 21:14:27

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 Re: OT how to castrate a hog in reply to jwbud 8, 10-06-2005 19:08:15  
Just do it--make the incisions on the scrotum up and down, remove the testicles and carefully cut the cords by scraping them back and forth. The sharper your cutting tool, the easier it is. Good quality single edge razor blades work OK, but a scalpel is easier to handle. Some guys put on a disinfectant after the surgery. Oh, and make sure mama sow can't get to you. The little boar will squeal and mama will react, possibly very dangerously if she is nearby. I think I would have 2 fair sized guys to hold the patient down--it is easier if the boar pigs are a bit younger and smaller.

Years ago, a friend and I were given 4 half grown boars from a guy that just couldn't afford to feed them anymore. Foolishly, we didn't castrate them right away, but kept them until Fall. Then everyone we talked to said the meat would not be good unless we castrated the boars and waited for a couple of months to butcher them.

Now these hogs were BIG! The largest probably weighed about 450 and the smallest over 300lbs. By this time the boars were very tame, but obviously very strong. It was not going to be an easy job, any way we did it. We decided to get the boars drunk on cheap vodka to anesthesize them, then tie them up and do the cutting. The first 2 weren't too bad, more or less passed out, but that 450lb fellow was a real struggle. It took us all day to cut the 4 boars, and I said I would never do things that way again. Anyway, the meat was just fine after a couple more months. The pork chops were about 3 times as big as they should have been. We didn't come out very well cost-wise because we kept them so long, even if we got the hogs free.

So don't make the mistake my friend and I did....it is a job that needs to be done and sure won't get any easier as time passes. Good luck!

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Paul in Mich

10-06-2005 20:29:25

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 Re: OT how to castrate a hog in reply to jwbud 8, 10-06-2005 19:08:15  
One piece of advice..... Don"t do as my uncle used to do and cut off a piece of plug tobacco right after making the ultimate incision, and sterilizing said knife by swiping it across the pant leg of his bib overalls.

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10-06-2005 20:47:40

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 Re: OT how to castrate a hog in reply to Paul in Mich, 10-06-2005 20:29:25  
Thats OK as long as you wash it before you cut another pig.

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10-07-2005 06:33:37

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 Re: OT how to castrate a hog in reply to Sid, 10-06-2005 20:47:40  
Assuming you have a helper, put the victim on his back in a horse collar and then have helper sit on him and hold his back legs.

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10-07-2005 21:00:11

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 Re: OT how to castrate a hog in reply to KRUSS, 10-07-2005 06:33:37  

this post made me laugh....caused me to remember the last 'nuttin' escapade I got dragged into. I drove to visit an old neighbor and he said...i got half a dozen pigs that need castratin', can you help me? Seeing as he was past 75 then, how could I say no? HAR! I caught the little fellers and he says, "now hold'im tight." He yanked out the oldest, dullest Barlow pocket knife I ever seen and went to work. I almost squealed myself! But, we got them done, poured a little Lysol on thier 'wounds' and turned them out. That must have been 15-20 years ago. Thanks for the memories!

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