Tom - when connecting chargers, boost jumping, etc. forget about ground polarity! Just remember this: ALWAYS connect + to +. And ALWAYS connect - to -. In other words when connecting a charger, connect the + (red) lead to the battery postive post, and the - (black) to battery negative. And when using jumper cables run the red cable from one battery + to the other battery +, etc. (But for safety when jumpering make sure the two vehicle frames are NOT touching before making any connections!) To your generator not charging problem a couple possiblities: 1 - The battery may become partially reverse charged when you connected the charger wrong. No now the electrical system cannot charge it. Best solution is to toss the battery and start over with a fresh one. (And if the tractor has a generator, repolarize the generator after installing the new battery.) 2 - If your 3020 has an alternator you may have blown out the alternator and/or regulator when you connected the charger backward. They may need to be replaced.