Darrell..... ..there are 4-common run-time issues with the 4-nipple squarecan frontmount distributor 9N tractor. 1) runs for about 1-min and quits; restarts about 5-min; bad condenser NOT yer stated problem 2) runs for about 5-min and quits; restarts about 10-min; CLOGGED fuel filters NOT yer stated problem 3) runs for about 15-min and quits; restarts about 30-min; gunked up ignition switch guttz NOT yer stated problem 4) runs for about 1-hr and quits; restarts after overnite cool-off sound like yer stated problem? BAD SQUARECAN IGNITION COIL!!! Unfortunately, the OEM 6-volt squarecan ignition coil is NOT as bullett-proof as we'd like'm to be. And once the insulative tar melts, it will continue to exhibbit the run-for-hour failure until you replace yer ignition coil. tip: gently stretch the springy-thingy underneath the coil for a more certain contact with the dimpled points contact..... ....Dell, yer self-appointed 9N sparkie-meister oh yeah, gitt ridd of yer extra fuel filter. Yer 9N already has 3-filters designed for gravity flow. 1-filter in glass bowl; didn't-know filter in the carb-elbow; secret non-replaceable circular screen filter ontop of yer fuel-valve that you haffta remove from the fueltank for access to clean the bigg-chunks. And ALWAYS turn yer 2-turn fuel valve OFF when you are thru using yer tractor for the day; otherwize yer gravity fueltank will overflow the carb valve and fill-up the intake manifold and into yer open intake valves and cause hydraulic lock when you go to crank yer engine, not good $$$$.