phil lowe
10-20-2005 18:06:51
Re: O.T.-GPS in reply to Rick in Tx, 10-19-2005 20:34:48
I've had a garmin 12 for a number of years ,works pretty good. Couple things to keep in mind though ,,waterproof ,,,ain't nessasarily WATERPROOF ,,as I found . Practice ,practice,practice . Learn your new tool and it can be a valuable resourse ,but as other responder said ,,always have your compass and map as well ,,,I navigate on the foggy atlatic in a seakayak with mine ,but in my guide training ,,navigation at night in the fog ,we had to use only compass and map ,,,YUP I got us lost for couple hours,,,GREAT TRAINING ... I use UTM settings which in the grid format on most 1:50000 maps ,,I find it better then lat and log setting ..You can also get a program called oziexplorer can do all your trip planning right off your computer ,,just do a saerch for it program can be downloaded for a fee,,but I've found it to be a great help ...good luck