Well, not why won't this message post? Gotta edit & see what word they don't like..... This is one of the busiest 'old tracotor sites' around, not sure what you are judging it all by to say this is low traffic?
Discussion forums are for discussing questions, such as you are asking. Gets real junky & hard to follow any thoughts if the forums get littered with ads, so most discussion web sites lightly ban outright ads, and provide a place for one to list such things. This site provides a classified & photo ad section. An H tractor generally sells for $900 - 1200 around here, unless it is extra special nice or terribly rough shape, more or less then. There is usually a local, regional ag paper that all the farm stuff gets sold in. Around my part of Minnesota, a 2wce monthly tabloid called 'The Land' has all sorts of classified & ag auctions in it. It is 'the' place to list farm stuff, it's where all the area farmers look. There is some such in your area too.... With the cost of shipping now, unless your tractor is very special it will not get much intrest from someone 600 miles away from you on the internet - there are a whole lot of IHC H's around, one can be found closer. So, your best bet with a field ready, nothing special H would be a local sale, advertising in the 100 mile area around you. Or take it to a consignment farm aoction, & see what interest it generates. Hope that helps? --->Paul