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Hey You Wheat Guys!

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Allan in NE

10-31-2005 09:39:50

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Me Again,

The local dealer here has his shop boys busy going thru this old combine for me to make sure it is field ready and mechanically sound so as to go back to work. It has been parked just setting idle for years in a farmer's machine shed.

I mentioned to him this morning that for some reason the darned straw chopper is off the machine, is laying on a pallet around back of his shop and that I didn't want him to forget it when he loads the combine on the truck to deliver. What the heck is it doing off the machine anyways?

He says that it is easy to tell that I'm an irrigator and that most people hate the things and the combines will sell better if the choppers aren't mounted on those old cylinder type machines. He goes on to say that people like the old-fashioned "spreaders" better.

Since I'm not a wheat farmer, I don't understand this line of thinking. I always thought that the choppers were the best thing since sliced bread if you don't wanna save the straw.

Why don't wheat farmers like straw choppers? Takes too much power to pull 'em or what?


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11-01-2005 22:56:02

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 Re: Hey You Wheat Guys! in reply to Allan in NE, 10-31-2005 09:39:50  
Power for choppers doesn't mean squat on an F- Spreaders are worth from junk to a C-note, choppers go for 3 or 4 of them. Handy devices if you want to plow/chisel small grain without plugging. Around here, in corn/soy country, choppers are mandatory! Enjoy your F- good machine, easy to fix, always puts out a good sample when adjusted right!

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10-31-2005 17:32:31

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 Re: Hey You Wheat Guys! in reply to Allan in NE, 10-31-2005 09:39:50  
Hi Allan - I know that you don't like those small square bales ----- -but , we run our wheat straw (full cut) through the chopper, then bale it for horse bedding. Customers like it as it shakes out well and makes great bedding. Believe it or not we don't have to rake before hand. Combine used was a 7720 Deere with an 18' header.

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10-31-2005 17:23:13

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 Re: Hey You Wheat Guys! in reply to Allan in NE, 10-31-2005 09:39:50  
Allan, it's been over 25 years since the last time I had to climb inside a combine in July to clear out sunflowers from the straw-walkers. But I still remember it well enough that I wouldn't want anything in the back of a combine that might slug it up. If the belt to your straw spreaders break, it leaves a windrow but it doesn't slug your combine.

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10-31-2005 16:55:14

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 Re: Hey You Wheat Guys! in reply to Allan in NE, 10-31-2005 09:39:50  
Here in Ohio a lot run wheat straw thru the chopper, I do since we no longer have livestalk to need to bale the straw, even when we did we just took the knives out so it did't chop it, just spread it, then clipped the stubble with a cycle bar mower and raked befor baling, most now if bale just leave in row and you do not find a straw spreader here and as far as pluging if by chance it would happen on my deere's, 60's vintage there is a switch inside the back ov machine over walker and if it gets too full that switch will blow a horn to signle you to slow down or that you are starting to plug and if your Gleaner noesen't have it it is only a small job to install one

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Roger P

10-31-2005 16:36:35

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 Re: Hey You Wheat Guys! in reply to Allan in NE, 10-31-2005 09:39:50  
Allan, how do I get a hold of that dealer, I see a machine in the background of one of your photographs that looks interesting? thank"s

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10-31-2005 12:23:17

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 Re: Hey You Wheat Guys! in reply to Allan in NE, 10-31-2005 09:39:50  
Some guys don't like the chopper becuase if it plugs up, chaff builds up behind it without you knowing and you will shortly bend your walkers.

I have never had it happen to me on a Deere 6620 or an old M, but I know a few guys who have...

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10-31-2005 16:04:08

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 Re: Hey You Wheat Guys! in reply to agrogers, 10-31-2005 12:23:17  
the biggest reason i take it out is that i bale the straw so i cut fairly low and that mkes a nice windrow to bale up

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Allan in NE

10-31-2005 12:39:02

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 Re: Hey You Wheat Guys! in reply to agrogers, 10-31-2005 12:23:17  
Yes Sir,

I hear ya. But wouldn't a guy see that.....'er, "the lack of" anything coming sideways out the deflectors?

Dunno, like I say, don't know wheat like you guys do; maybe that slick stuff plugs easier than corn trash and bean straw?


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10-31-2005 14:22:07

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 Re: Hey You Wheat Guys! in reply to Allan in NE, 10-31-2005 12:39:02  
While any good combine operator periodically checks, you're not always looking in your mirrors for chaff out the back...

If you're just sawing off the heads off in wheat, I can't imagine you'd have a problem. However, I have found small grains tend to plug a lot more than corn or beans.

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10-31-2005 12:18:09

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 Re: Hey You Wheat Guys! in reply to Allan in NE, 10-31-2005 09:39:50  
Hey, Allen. Depends on your ground and how the wheat "usually" grows. The chopper takes a little more power, but if the old engine in that F is up to par you won't notice it unless you get to boggin mud. To be truthful, rarely is the wheat standing good enough to just cut the heads off. Actually the combine works a little better if it is kept full. There is a very noticable difference in working the ground afterwards if you don't use a chopper. Like the other post said, unless you burn every year or bale, I would absoutely put it on and use it. Your plow or disc will love you for it. Bob

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Tall TEX

10-31-2005 11:47:20

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 Re: Hey You Wheat Guys! in reply to Allan in NE, 10-31-2005 09:39:50  
Down here we call them silver seeders, they dump as much on the ground as in the hopper.

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11-01-2005 22:48:19

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 Re: Hey You Wheat Guys! in reply to Tall TEX, 10-31-2005 11:47:20  
Only reason for that is because the operator did not read the manual and adjust the machine correctly. Just a cheap shot at a good machine.

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10-31-2005 15:58:47

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 Re: Hey You Wheat Guys! in reply to Tall TEX, 10-31-2005 11:47:20  
you must mean galvenized cob crushers

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Allan in NE

10-31-2005 13:00:40

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 Re: Hey You Wheat Guys! in reply to Tall TEX, 10-31-2005 11:47:20  
Hi Tall,

Oh heck. I don't think it is only just down in your area of Texas.

There are fellows all over who wouldn't know how to set a combine if their life depended on it; never mind the color of the machine.

I've never understood what the problem is for them either. It's just not that difficult of a concept to grasp even without the glitzy little grain monitor, the flashin' lights or the cutsie little buzzers and bells.


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10-31-2005 16:00:43

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 Re: Hey You Wheat Guys! in reply to Allan in NE, 10-31-2005 13:00:40  
i totally agree with you allan its all about the operator. no matter what field(ie industry) or brand. somone always says this thing never makes a tight bale or slobbers it out on the ground etc etc if you set them right all of them do a decent job. deeres jsut do a little better and last longer.

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10-31-2005 10:40:34

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 Re: Hey You Wheat Guys! in reply to Allan in NE, 10-31-2005 09:39:50  
Hey Allan, my brother in law just picked up a F gleaner this summer and we got it all up and field ready and harvested barley with it this fall. Worked like a charm. He is just replacing the bottom sheet metal in the grain platform as we speak and has plans to do both wheat and Tretacalli (Spelling not close on this one ) next season. These 3 BIL are Allis Chalmers gurus and regarded as tops in this area. They redo and wrench on these babys all the time so if you have some questions about this or any AC stuff they are the ones to touch elbows with. Give me a shout or e-mail if we can help Migraine

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Allan in NE

10-31-2005 10:59:11

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 Re: Hey You Wheat Guys! in reply to migraine, 10-31-2005 10:40:34  
Yes Sir,

I hear that ol' Pard!

This is my fourth Gleaner and they are kinda like the red tractors. Once they are in your blood, they stay. :>)

So far, all I could find wrong with the old sweetheart is that it needs a set of walker blocks and the seat has a tear, but dealer offered to replace those items free of charge (probably felt sorry fer me). :>)


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Brian White

10-31-2005 10:36:50

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 Re: Hey You Wheat Guys! in reply to Allan in NE, 10-31-2005 09:39:50  
Some People Love them And other won't. Just peoples Ideas and personall Prefrence.

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Brian White

10-31-2005 10:36:37

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 Re: Hey You Wheat Guys! in reply to Allan in NE, 10-31-2005 09:39:50  
Some People Love them And other won't. Just peoples Ideas and personall Prefrence.

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Brian White

10-31-2005 10:36:36

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 Re: Hey You Wheat Guys! in reply to Allan in NE, 10-31-2005 09:39:50  
Some People Love them And other won't. Just peoples Ideas and personall Prefrence.

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10-31-2005 10:11:55

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 Re: Hey You Wheat Guys! in reply to Allan in NE, 10-31-2005 09:39:50  
When you combine wheat, dryland, you only cut low enought to get all the heads. There is very little "long straw" after it is threshed. Just scatter it with a spreader. No need to run all that hp with a chopper. Now with irrigated or if you cut low to rid the field of straw, its a diferent matter. Long straw left on the ground can give you problems later by plugging the cultivator/summer fallow machine. Hardly ever needed with dry land wheat. Course if you want to bale the straw, you want the spreeder or chopper off. Yea, they used to burn field off to get rig of the straw. I've never sold straw off of my farm, felt the soil needed it for fertilizer. Make sure he gives it to you, but don't put it on. Besides, the Wife will want the straw for the horse.

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Mike M

10-31-2005 09:51:09

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 Re: Hey You Wheat Guys! in reply to Allan in NE, 10-31-2005 09:39:50  
Sounds kinda like you are single handedly going to keep that dealer in business.

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Allan in NE

10-31-2005 10:51:22

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 Re: Hey You Wheat Guys! in reply to Mike M, 10-31-2005 09:51:09  

I just save him the trouble of cutting up his old iron that nobody else in his right mind wants. :>(

I'll say one thing for him tho; he sure takes good care of me. They deal with some pretty big players in that place and he treats me just as good as anyone else, even tho I only swap him my little nickels and dimes.


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10-31-2005 10:29:18

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 Re: Hey You Wheat Guys! in reply to Mike M, 10-31-2005 09:51:09  
Looks like the one in my FIL's barn..you didn't get that in Ok did ya? ;^)


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Allan in NE

10-31-2005 10:37:06

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 Re: Hey You Wheat Guys! in reply to Tim...Ok, 10-31-2005 10:29:18  
Hi Tim,

I dunno for sure. I think he said it came in from Sheridan Wyoming on a rotary trade.

Can't be positive 'bout that tho,


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