Ah ha, I now have the explanation! I looked in my Ferguson Shop manual under ignition timing and found the following note: "Note: The TE-20 tractor is not provided with a timing hole and timing marks on the flywheel. Instead, timing marks were placedon the timing gear cover and on the crankshaft pulley, see Fig. 218. However, with the radiator and the shroud in place, the timing marks are inaccessable to a timing light. To make a toming mark that can be seen when using a timing light, proceed as follows: Remove the No, 1 spark plug and crank the engine until No. 1 piston is on the compression stroke. Turn the crankshaftuntil the notch on the crankshaft pulley lines up with the D.C. mark on the timing gear cover. Select a point on the gear cover and pulley that can be seen with the timing light. Make permqnent matching marks with a chisel or punch as shown in Fig. 218. Looking at the pulley from the rear, measure counterclockwise 1-1/2 in., on the outside diameter of the pulley, from the first mark. Make a permant mark at this point. This second mark is the advance mark for 2000 rpm." Sounds like a design screw up to me. Hope this helps you.